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Working Long Hours May Be Unhealthy

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We’ve all heard variations on the expression “all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl.” But a new study says that too many hours at work may actually be unhealthy.

Researchers at Ohio State University based results from interviews with almost 7,500 women born between 1957 and 1964 over a 32-year period. What they found was found that women who worked an average of 60 hours or more over the three decades of the study had three times the risk of getting diabetes, cancer, heart trouble and arthritis than those who worked 40-hour weeks. Men weren’t nearly as affected by long work hours, the researchers found: They had a higher incidence of arthritis, but none of the other chronic diseases. Moreover, men who worked 41-50 hours per week had a lower risk of heart disease, lung disease and depression than those who worked fewer than 40 hours.