Safety, At What Price?
Editorial TeamNext month, a new law called the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) takes effect. It mandates that all products that are sold to children under the age of 12 must be tested for lead levels. As a parent, of course I want the safest possible products for my children. As a small business owner, I am stunned by the ramifications this new law will have.
Do What You Love
Editorial Team 4I am a member of a career club called CareerWorks Catalyst. You can read all about our club on A past meeting included a presentation from Cynthia P. Clark from Career Quest Coaching, Inc.
She had a great presentation on “Finding Work You Love: The Key to True Job Satisfaction.” The key was determining what job satisfaction means to us individually. This included, doing work we find rewarding, using skills that we enjoy and at which we are accomplished, work in an environment and with peers we respect and enjoy.