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In Recovery Some Jobs Just Won’t Return

As the recession eases, hiring is expected to rise, but certain jobs may have vanished forever, The Wall Street Journal reports. Many jobs created by the housing and credit market boom have likely been erased by the bust. One in three jobs have been lost in the manufacturing sector since 1997, the last year the sector posted job gains. For highly educated workers, finance may not offer as many high-paying jobs.

Job Search Burn-Out? Maybe You Need A ‘Breakthrough Moment’


With so many people looking for work and job searches taking longer than ever before, it’s easy for the process to get boring and job seekers of all ages and professions to burn out. But a so-called “breakthrough moment” – a specific time or tactic – can often change everything. To some it’s a wake-up call, an “ah ha!” revelation or a kick in the butt. The result can be transformational: a shift from down-and-out to ready to rock the world.
Here are four of my favorite examples.

Economy Takes Toll on Working Boomers

A new study finds that despite an uptick in the economic outlook, middle-aged Americans continue to sense a growing threat to their job security. Raleigh, N.C.-based Workplace Options says that more than one third of adults over the age of 46 do not feel secure in their jobs, as opposed to a staggering 80% of Millennials who do. While more than half of boomers to the economy as causing stress, only one in three younger workers attribute stress to economic woes.

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Is Job Market on Upswing? Some Say Yes

Some economists are skeptical, but a batch of reports Wednesday showed an improved job market, USA TODAY reports. Experts predict a government survey will show that that two years of job losses ended last month; they say that while the unemployment rate will probably stay high that it could begin to drop soon as hiring picks up.

Your Conversational Pathway to Success

By Jeffrey Ford and Laurie Ford

Realizing your goals takes more than passion, vision, and commitment: you need practical and productive communication to get what you want. When you are clear about your objectives, and your skills and presentation are polished properly, what’s left to do is to talk in a way that engages other people in creating your pathway to your goals. There are four types of conversation that are good to have with everyone in your life.

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