Negotiating Salary and Benefits
Concerned about compensation? Arm yourself with data from Job Search Intelligence, which the US Department of Labor says offers the most accurate salary information available. The salary calculator gives you a personalized compensation value to take to your negotiations. Use this tool to guide the conversation to get the compensation you deserve.
Collectively, women lose over $100 billion annually in wages due to pay inequity. This is due in part to an unwillingness and insecurity in women to negotiate effectively. We want to empower you to do better for yourself in this crucial area.
For starters here are a few tips on clear communication from one of our affiliates:
Here’s how to make your sure you’re heard.
Women often sabotage their speaking skills with poor word choice, gestures and vocal quality, and even how they structure and articulate their thoughts. Communication is, after all, more than the sum of the words we use.
Here are some ways to keep your power:
- State rather than ask. When women make requests, they ask, often supporting, justifying and even conveying appreciation. Men simply state their needs – take it or leave it. In business, and in dealing with men in particular, less is more – and more easily understood. The best way to get your point across is to be absolutely sure you have one; then be direct, be brief and be seated.
- Ask yourself the question: And your point is? And be sure you can answer it in the fewest words possible.
- Avoid intensifiers: Very, really, truly and the all too common basically, essentially and fundamentally which add little to content and can weaken your message.
- Don’t be too sweet. Resist the temptation to soften your voice with a higher register or lower volume. To find your natural pitch and range, open your mouth and say “ah” as you would for your doctor.
- Gestures should strengthen, not detract. They compete with your message for your listener’s attention. Don’t touch, toss or run your fingers through your hair – not even the periodic tuck behind the ear.
- Finally, smile and make eye contact – because confidence begets confidence!
Benefit From the Benefits
Concerned about compensation? Arm yourself with data from Job Search Intelligence, which the US Department of Labor says offers the most accurate salary information available. The salary calculator gives you a personalized compensation … Continue Reading »
Know What You’re Worth and What You Want
Concerned about compensation? Arm yourself with data from Job Search Intelligence, which the US Department of Labor says offers the most accurate salary information available. The salary calculator gives you a personalized compensation … Continue Reading »
Negotiating Salary 101: Tactics for Better Compensation
Concerned about compensation? Arm yourself with data from Job Search Intelligence, which the US Department of Labor says offers the most accurate salary information available. The salary calculator gives you a personalized compensation … Continue Reading »