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10 Ways To Overcome Career Limbo in 2024

By Editorial Team on May 25th, 2024

Today we explore practical strategies to deal with career uncertainty. If you’re feeling stuck or unsatisfied professionally, our ten easy-to-follow steps will guide you towards fulfillment and progression. Whether it’s seeking guidance, learning new skills, or even changing careers, our article provides insights to help you navigate your professional path convincingly. Take the first step to move beyond career limbo today!

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So You Want to Work in Corporate Strategy? Learn What It Takes.

Coffee + Desk

By Elise Runde Voss

Edited on 15 July, 2023

Corporate strategy roles can take a number of different forms – from requiring experience in investment banking or consulting to an understanding of data-driven business analysis and coding languages.

At my company, UpScored, we think a lot about what skills are required for different roles, and on the flip side, what types of careers people are most interested in. We are constantly looking at trends and career interests across the candidates on our platform.

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Study: Taking Low-Level Jobs Hurts in Long Run


A post-recession study has found that employers seeking office workers were more likely to call unemployed applicants with relevant experience than those with similar backgrounds who took a lower-level position during the economic downturn.

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Sleeping More at Home Pays Off at Work

Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 12.54.23 PMSleep deprivation causes many problems: a spike in heart disease risk, depression, weight gain and certain types of cancer, says sleep researcher James B. Maas. Plus, it will make you less popular at the office, since it makes it harder to concentrate, make decisions and get along with others.

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Tis the Season… to Earn Extra Income!

As the holidays are approaching this means family gatherings, holiday cheer and loosening of the purse strings. As the temperatures drop, expenses rise due to holiday shopping. Now is the perfect time to begin exploring opportunities to earn extra income, to purchase those must-have gifts, for friends and family.

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Hiring Manager Ignoring You?

iStock_000004673829XLarge1You’e gone through many stops in a rigorous hiring process — only to be subsequently ignored by a hiring manager after an interview.  It’s annoying and unsettling— and very common.  The New York Post has a name for it: job ghosting.  Here, six ways to come when it happens to you.