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Putting Career Happiness in Perspective

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We all like to succeed in out careers, but beware of linking your overall job satisfaction and happiness to your ability to achieve only positive outcomes, says career coach Joseph Liu. There’s a difference — a subtle one to be sure, but important all the same — between staying committed to your work and being overly attached to its outcomes. Many people consider commitment and attachment to be inextricably linked, but I’ve learned to see them as two distinct things.

Don’t Let Mistakes Define You

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Your mistakes don’t define you, but now you handle them does, Kirsten Helvey writes in Fortune. “I believe if you’re not making an occasional mistake, then you aren’t really challenging yourself or growing.”


Making a Good First Impression In Your New Job

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You nailed the interview, wrote great follow-up emails, and got the job. But the first few days present new challenges, says business expert Sharon Schweitzer. Here are her 10 tips to help you make a professional impression on your first day.

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Dealing With Men Who Interrupt You at Work


Many studies support the claim of women in the workforce who argue that men interrupt them far more often than the reverse. In 2014, a George Washington University study found that when men were talking with women, they interrupted 33 percent more often than when they were talking with men. What’s a gal to do?  This piece has some tips.

How to Keep Your Work Week To Under 40 Hours

Productivity experts say that aside from finishing a big project or getting things in order before a vacation,  there’s no reason for most of us to work more than 40 hours a week. Read how to do it here.


New Year/New Resume

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January is a great time to update your resume and for women who aren’t recent college graduates and haven’t applied for a new job in awhile, there may be a lot of pruning to do, starting with downplaying those college years. This piece has tips.