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How to Use Humor at Work

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According to Wharton research, a sense of humor, when used right, can enhance workplace status and a perception of competence. But it can backfire via inappropriate jokes or when the jokester becomes the class clown.  In this piece, three Wharton researchers discuss finding of their research paper on the topic.

Five Tips to Game Changing Your Business

In his new book,  Money. You Got This, Justin Krane says that if you’re ready to shake up your business, ask yourself these five key questions.

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Cover Letter Turnoffs

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Sara McCord has read a lot of cover letters throughout her career. “When I was a fellowship program manager, I reviewed them in consideration for more than 60 open positions each year. So I saw it all—the good, the bad, and the standout examples that I can still remember.” In this piece, McCord discusses instant turnoffs, starting with typos and tone.

How to Counter Stereotypes at Work


A woman’s path to the top is often blocked by five roles men project onto us in the workplace, Falon Fatemi says. “When men see female colleagues as glowering mothers or tempting mistresses, it’s not just demeaning; it stunts our career potential.” In this piece,  she identifies the five roles that men project on women — and how to deal with each one.

Paid Maternity Leave: Good For Business

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Every company on Working Mother magazine’s 100 Best Companies list offers at least a few weeks of fully paid leave (an average of nine weeks, up from eight last year). Companies in the top 10 offer an average of 11 weeks. But in the private sector as a whole, only 26% of employers offer coverage beyond short-term disability leave. That’s quite a gap, and in this piece, Fast Company explains why paid maternity leave is not only good for moms but for business, too.

3 Career Lessons I Learned From Our Interns


I have a special place in my heart for interns and all the optimism and fresh perspective they bring to the job. With college students finishing up their internships and getting ready to go back to school, I recently reflected on the unique value that internships offer for both the student and the company.

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