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Hooked on Email? Four Tips For Cutting Back


Email is the ultimate time sucker, siphoning our time, attention and energy away from work. Frustrated by its debilitating impact, Jocelyn K. Glei spent a year delving into the science behind email addiction in her new book, Unsubscribe. Read her four research-backed strategies for minimizing time on email and maximizing the hours on meaningful work.

What Not To Share At Work

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You may feel overworked — who doesn’t — and in need of a mental health day off. But should you mention to co-workers that this Friday you’re going to call in sick and take a much needed long weekend, when actually you’re not physically ill?  Absolutely not, writes Erin Nicole. “It’s best if your co-workers think you’re actually sick when you say you’re sick, so as to not resent your free day and potentially slip about your true whereabouts in front of your bosom” says. Read her other nine tips about what not to share at work.

Promotions: Mostly A Guy Thing

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We all know women are paid less than men. Now, we know they’re less likely to be promoted, too.
A new survey by Sheryl Sandburg’s found that men are 30% more likely to be promoted as managers. The report say that while men and women enter the workforce on the same level (54% men/46% women) the gap widens as both climb the management ranks (63% men/37% women and in the VP ranks 71% men/29% women.)

Loyalty Takes A Back Seat


Entering the work force, baby boomers were told that loyalty mattered — that they would be rewarded for their years of service. But as they near the end of their careers, that’s becoming quaint corporate history. At Kimberly-Clark, the diaper and tissue maker is aggressively trying to get rid of dead wood, with performance-management software that tracks and evaluate salaried workers’ progress and quickly exposes laggards, according to The Wall Street JournalTurnover has doubled from a decade ago, with 10% of employees quitting or being forced out every year.

Feeling Weak? Try Becoming More Assertive


Calling all wallflowers: you have more of a choice in life than you think and part of the process of becoming more assertive is recognizing it. In this pieceEric Barker says that assertiveness “is like a weed whacker. You take it out of the garage when you need it; you don’t have to walk around with it running all day long.”

Violence Against Women Affects Wage Gap

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While pay equity in the workplace gets a lot of attention these days, violence against women also plays a role in the wage gap, according to a report. Violence against women is one of the six factors impacting pay equity in the United States. “There is a direct correlation between violence and the financial piece,” says Vivian Riefberg, one of the report’s authors. “Women who suffer violence are likely to see an impact on their earning potential due to lost productivity and lost work days.”