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Avoiding Overused Email Lines

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Certain cliche lines are bound to drive some people crazy when they appear in an email. For Jenni Maier, it’s too many smiley face emojis, exclamation points and sentences that begin, “Happy Monday!” Read some of her other pet peeves here.

Needed: More Women in Cybersecurity

The cybersecurity job market is dominated by men, but experts say that many firms are keenly interested in drawing women. Only 11 percent of the world’s information security workforce are women,  according to the Women’s Society of Cyberjutsu, an organization designed to help and empower women to succeed in the cybersecurity field. One of the biggest obstacles in increasing the number of women in cybersecurity is that there are so few women in executive roles, that role models are few and far between.

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Should You “Lean In” For a Better Salary?

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“Leaning in” to salary negotiations is how Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s says women can empower themselves in the workplace. Women are less likely to ask for more, and therefore get less than men. Through salary negotiations, women can help themselves. But does that mean women should always negotiate? A new study says perhaps not.

How to Handle a Difficult Co-worker

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We’ve all had that one exasperating coworker who gets under our skin so much that it spoils the evening and even weekends. Workplace expert Lisa Copeland says that how you handle this situation can not only restore harmony to your day, but serve as a testament to your leadership abilities. Read More

Women Find An Edge In Crowdfunding

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Have a project that needs funding? You might have an edge in finding backers on crowdfunding sites like Indiegogo simply because you’re a woman. Fast Company reports that their use of language and ability to tell a story helps level the playing field for women entrepreneurs who seek backers.

Dealing with Unsupportive Colleagues

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Focusing on your passions and goals can be tough when you’re surrounded by unsupportive colleagues and or dismissive bosses. But stand in their shoes for a second and you may discover that they may get little respect and might actually need a helping hand themselves. You never know what they are going through, says Laura Newberry-Yokley, who gives these tips