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Tips on How to Manage Up

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Some bosses like to say that they spend their entire days dealing with problems. But if you happen to be one of their problems, you can expect long, hard days. You don’t have grin and bear the pain or be a suck up  — if you know how to effectively manage your boss. Read these tips from Inc. 

Repeat: Your Social Media Posts Can Get You Fired

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If you were a high school math teacher, would it be smart to tweet scantily clad photos of yourself and one purporting to show you smoking pot in the high school parking lot? Of course not, and the 23-year-old teacher in question was fired for it. Read these nine cautionary tales from people who’ve been there.

The Pitfalls of Working at a Tech Startup

Thinking about transitioning from a traditional job to a tech startup? It “all too often involves getting bossed around by undertrained (or untrained) managers and fired on a whim,” says writer Dan Lyons. “Bias based on age, race and gender is rampant, as is sexual harassment.”

Staying Relevant When You’re Over 50


By Robert L. Dilenschneider

In an ideal world, a 50-plus woman should be able to use age to her advantage. But since our culture worships youth, many women over 50, so capable in many ways, face steep challenges staying relevant in the workplace.

If you’re over 50, what to do?

Read More

The Complexity of Equal Pay Day

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Today is Equal Pay Day. That’s the approximate day in the year where the average woman working full time gets to catch up to the salary of her male counterpart (or about 79¢ for every one of his dollars).  Fast Company has more on this here.

The Amazing Benefits of Work-Life Balance- and How to Achieve It

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Work–life balance: a phrase coined to express a lifestyle that has a healthy mix of work, family, social, physical, health-related and pleasurable activities, without extremes dominating one’s experience. It also implies that one’s life is in order.

Imagine this:

You wake up after a deep sleep feeling refreshed, energized and excited to start the day. You tend to your morning routine (shower, dressing, kids, dog, making the bed, etc.) with care and appreciation. You make time to enjoy your morning beverage and a healthy breakfast. You spend at least 20 minutes working out— be it walking running, swimming, cycling or floor/equipment exercising. Read More