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Reinvention Made Possible

Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 12.44.20 PMMaybe you lost your job, or your interest in the job you’ve been doing. Maybe a divorce or death in the family has threatened your economic stability. Maybe you think you’re now too old or lack the training to switch to something more satisfying or remunerative. So writes The New York Times Jane Brody in this blog on reinvention. “Your résumé may say one thing, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you can do,” a reinvention expert tells Brody. 

Spotlight on Belinda Jones— Owner, Elite Business Solutions, LLC

Belinda Jones Photo

Spotlight on Elite Business Solutions, LLC and its owner, Belinda Jones. Belinda’s home-based call center company provides customer support solutions using the Arise Virtual Solutions platform. Belinda is also the Executive Director of The Customer Service Training Center.

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Tips to Ensure Your Resume Hits the Mark

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Career Coach Rebecca Barnes-Hogg says that she has reviewed thousands of resumes from qualified people — and many of them miss the mark. “It’s heartbreaking to see talented people unable to get a job because they don’t understand how to craft a resume that markets their skills and experience,” she tells U.S. News.  Key to a good resume, are keywords and signs that the candidate is motivated Read more tips here.

‘What Are Your Weaknesses?’

Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 10.14.36 AMIt’s a standard job interview question: “What are your weaknesses? Answering that you don’t have any is a bad move — a perfect excuse for your potential employer to stop considering you — because we all have weaknesses. So how should you answer? First, briefly explain your weakness, then discuss how you are dealing with it, this blog advises.

Watch What You Say On Social Media

Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 9.59.40 AMWhen a young Yelp employee complained recently online that her $12-per-hour salary wasn’t enough to live on in pricey San Francisco, she was a mocked on the Internet. She had good intentions — calling attention to low starting pay that many young workers accept — but her action may now follow her throughout her career, The New York Post reports.   Before you accept a new position, understand your own finances and the job’s entire pay package with benefits, says Joan Kuhl, who consults for companies who hire millennials.  “You have to have your eyes wide open when you take a job.”

How to Rock An Interview

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By Judith Bowman

Being invited to an in-person interview implies your educational background and technical qualifications are in place and that you’ve made it to the first round.  You now have the chance to show what else you bring to the table.

Employers seek people who have the proverbial “X” factor that makes a candidate stand out. Having two key qualities — people skills and confidence — will help distinguish you.

Research the firm, who will be conducting the interviewing. Make sure you know how to pronounce their name.  Research competitors and know how they’re different from the firm you’re talking to. Be up-to-date on current industry trends.

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