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Action Negates Fear In a Job Search

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Our worries and fear of failure, success and change can stymie a job search, CareerTrax founder David Jensen says. He knows because he’s faced it himself.  In this piece, Jensen advises: “Don’t stagnate. Action — almost any type — acts like a balm on your fear.”

Three Job Interview No-No’s

Screen Shot 2016-02-10 at 2.51.34 PMYour job interview seems to be going just fine — except the hiring manager keeps asking you a variation of the same question over and over again. Get used to it, says Richard Moy in this post  about what not to say in a job interview.

Tips to Recession-Proofing Your Career

Screen Shot 2015-08-13 at 12.11.26 PMConcerns over job security and the economy continue, especially when leading companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Yahoo Inc., and Chevron, among others, have announced plans to cut as many as 14,000 jobs. Entrepreneur Caren Merrick has these tips to “recession-proof” your career.

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Working from home has become quite popular, but don’t be too quick to take it for granted. We have to admit, one great thing about working from home is not having to take your PJs off to get dressed in a suit and tie or heels and makeup. While you might believe that you can laze about whenever you want, the reality is quite the opposite.

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The Grass Isn’t Always Greener

iStock_000005164183Large31When you’re dissatisfied with your job, it’s easy to begin thinking that maybe you chose the wrong career. That can lead to impulsively jumping ship. Before you do, Fast Company’s Lisa Evans has six questions to ask yourself, starting with: why did you get into this career?

Telecommuting Here to Stay

A new FlexJobs survey says there was a 36% increase in the number of telecommute-friendly jobs posted on its site from 2014 to 2015, up 10% from 2013-2014. The top three career fields for telecommuting job opportunities are Computer/IT, Healthcare and Sales.   Writer, engineer, marketing manager, adjunct faculty and software developer are among the most common work-from-home titles.  Read the entire list here: Top 100 Companies to Watch for Telecommuting and Remote Jobs in 2016!