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Is a Resume A Thing of the Past?

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The resume, a mainstay in the hiring process, may be fading in importance as employers look more at job applicants’ social media profiles and personal interviews to make hiring calls. “It’s a new trend in hiring,” writes The New York Post’s Vicki Salemi. Read more here

Networking for Moms: Include the Kids

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 2.13.39 PMWhen life gets busy, one of the first things working parents ditch is networking. Between meeting work deadlines and taking care of kids, how are you supposed to find time to invest in building new relationships? One option, says Laura Vanderkam, is to combine networking and playdates. Read how here.

Getting A Job Is Taking Longer

Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 11.09.05 AMA recent rise in hiring means that employers are taking nearly twice as long to hire new employees as they did a few years ago, The Wall Street Journal reports here.  Employers are trying to make the right hires because getting someone up to speed takes months and replacing one who fails can wreck a tight budget. That means job searchers should expect to jump through hoops to get the brass ring.

Five Industries Where the Jobs Are

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Welcome to 2016, where the job market is stronger than it has been in years and the unemployment rate is the lowest in almost a decade, says The New York Post.  James Beriker, head of job search engine Simply Hired, tells the paper: “There are nearly 10 percent more job listings today than last year at this time, which translates into 4.49 million jobs available for anyone looking to make a change.” While some jobs listed here are located in New York, many others are national companies to hire. 

Job Interview Mistakes: Some Mind Blowers

iStock_000005531570 smallWould you do a job interview on your phone in the bathroom — then flush during it? How about putting skin lotion on your feet in front of the hiring manager. Would berating your interviewer for taking too long be OK? Of course not, but incredibly, hiring managers say that all of these things and more have happened during job interviews. Read here about a new Harris poll of 2,595 human resource managers who reveal the biggest job interview faux pas candidates have made, and how their body language nixed their chances of getting hired.

Tips on Handling a Tough Interview

Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 10.36.28 AMA difficult interview can easily derail your chances of getting the job. But there are key steps that you can take to minimize your chances of flubbing it and increase your odds that you’ll land the job. For starters, says Andrew Fennell, remember that they called you in.  “If they’ve invited you into their office, they are interested in hiring you and that should be a huge confidence boost,” he says. Read his other tips here