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Dealing with Age Bias

Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 11.11.09 AMLife is full of bias in its natural state, so no one should be surprised when some form of bias affects their job search. Bias is also one of those super-sensitive subjects that few like to talk about, let alone find ways to deal with. In this pieceDavid Dirks has four tips on dealing with age bias.


Leave Your Job, Gracefully

Screen Shot 2016-01-11 at 10.52.36 AMIn a recent post, we talked about how this is the time of year when many of us are most likely to be looking around for a new job.  That means resignations that are right around the corner. If you’re one of the lucky ones about to add a new line to your resume, how you leave your job can seriously impact your career. This piece in The New York Post shows how to resign without aggravating your soon-to-be-past employer.

March to Your Own Drum — Not Someone Else’s

Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 10.41.16 AMReading about how successful people live can be illuminating, but not if you think it’ll lead to a “secret path” to greatness, Jon Westenberg writes. “Read them to get ideas about what might work for you and what might help you reach your potential, but don’t take them as holy commandments,” he says. “In reality, there’s only omen habit that you can emulate that will get you somewhere. Just one. Work hard.”

Job searching TODAY? You’re Not Alone

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Today — the first Wednesday of the year — is the most popular day to start looking for a new job, according to Monster. Reason:  “In December, your career is most likely not on the forefront of your mind because you’re racing around with holiday plans and functions,” says Monster’s Vicki Salem. “But January is a time for fresh starts. When the New Year comes, you might decide you’re not being challenged enough at work, you’re bored with your job, or you want to increase your salary.” In this piece, Fast Company lists five steps employers can take to help retain staffers who might be looking around.

Quitting is Not An Option

Screen Shot 2016-01-05 at 11.22.03 AMAt 5 percent, the jobless rate is what some economists view as full employment. But that figure doesn’t capture the challenges that millions of people – particularly women over 50– still face in trying to regain their workplace footing, The New York Times reports.

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Holiday Cheer or Holiday Fear? How to Balance Work and Home for the Holidays

With Thanksgiving around the corner, the holiday season is upon us. For many working moms, the holiday cheer feels more like holiday fear at the prospect of trying to fit in all the shopping, decorating, wrapping, dinners and parties while still making it into the office. In fact, a survey by Accounting Principals found that nearly 40 percent of Americans find the balance impossible this time of year and end up missing the chance to spend time with family and friends during the holidays due to work responsibilities. This holiday season, give yourself the gift of more work/life balance by gaining more freedom and control over your schedule.

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