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Want Extra Cash? Look Around You

Sometimes the best way to make money from home can be found right under your nose.

Totspot is a mom-to-mom mobile marketplace for buying and selling gently used or new children’s clothing.  Totspot users can list clothing items for sale in less than one minute, and all transactions are handled in-app.  Totspot then notifies the seller when their item is purchased.

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Be a Career Builder  Not A Job Hopper

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The notion of a so-called cradle-to-grave career ended years ago. As a result, many employees no longer have the loyalty to their companies that they once did.

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Got Something to Say? Say It — Don’t Email It

Ever email someone who sits right next to you? Of course you have. We all do it. But sometimes, it comes at the expense of talking face-to-face, which can build trust and allow you to pick up on hidden messages that aren’t deciphered on the phone or in email.

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The “Dirt” On Jobs

Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 4.10.40 PMWant to find your dream job? Good luck, says TVs Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame. Rowe says the very notion of a dream job is an illusion and that in order to be satisfied at work, we mistakenly think we need to find the perfect job.  

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Sitting Really Is The New Smoking

Admit it: do you arrive at your office every morning, plop yourself in your seat and basically stay there until you leave?

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Turning Failures Into Success


Failure is often a part of life, but that’s a hard nut to swallow for many people. INC says that while it’s normal to sometimes feel ashamed of failure, the key is to stop shaming your failures. Read here how you can turn failures into success.  – see how INC recommends you turn your failures into success.