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‘Find Your Passion’ The Wrong Advice

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New grads are told to “find your passion” as they enter the job market, hoping they’ll find something that’ll pay the rent.  But for all its good intent, “find your passion” can actually be pretty lousy career advice — and it usually doesn’t leave people feeling as though they’re any closer to finding something they really like doing, MacKenzie Davidson says in this piece in The New York Post. 

Combating Interview Anxiety

Resume Review
A job interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, making it difficult to create a good first impression and showcase your qualifications.  Check out these tips from FastCompany to combat job interview anxiety.

What “We’ll Keep Your Resume on File” Really Means

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 3.34.54 PMWhen a hiring manager tells you he or she will keep your resume on file, it sounds kinda positive, right? Think again: it’s the kiss of death, job-wise. April Starcadder from The Muse breaks it down for you here.

Escape the Cubicle by Starting a Home-Based Business


Setting your own schedule, being your own boss, saving money on commuting and working in your pajamas (if you choose to) are some of the benefits of running your own business from the comfort of home. Have you been longing to start your own home-based business but you have no idea where to begin? You’re not alone. According to Forbes, 52% of all small businesses are home-based and they all started out by tapping into resources and doing their research first. 

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Diversity at Deutsche Bank

At Deutsche Bank, we’ve created a vibrant and open culture where agile thinking is recognized and fresh ideas are valued. By fostering teams with different perspectives, backgrounds and experiences, we’re helping our people develop their potential and contribute their individual talents.

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Should You Quit Your Job Before You Have Another?

iStock_000000480329 smallTess Vigeland, author of Leap: Leaving a job With No Plan B to Find the Career and Life You Really Want, decided to quit her familiar job without a safety next.

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