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Dealing with Stress


For many small-business owners, stress is a daily occurrence.  Not managing your stress level can take its toll and lead to a lag in productivity and health problems. When to-do lists grow and emails pile up, it can sometimes seem impossible not to feel overwhelmed. Inc. recommends these seven tips for dealing with stress.

Don’t Jump at First Job Offer

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 3.41.13 PMIt’s a tough job market, the bills are piling up and you have sent out resume after resume. Your  job search is wearing you down.

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Top Staples Executive Honored by Diversity Journal

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Shira Goodman’s first job was as a waitress in a local delicatessen. She thinks the most important quality a woman leader needs is courage. And the best career advice she’d give her former self is “ listen better.”

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Work Should Fit Your Life Not The Other Way Around

Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 12.49.02 PMThe worst mistake you can make when you’re trying to integrate work into your life is “thinking that work is the priority and life has to figure out how to get along without you,” says John Brandon.  “The failure is seeing the integration backwards, that life integrates into work,” he explains in this provocative piece.

Commuting’s Hidden Perk

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A 15-minute walk to the us or rail station might not seem like much of a workout.

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Target Your Would-Be Employer

Screen Shot 2015-08-13 at 11.51.06 AMSince finding a job can be so difficult, logic dictates that submitting your resume to as many companies as possible will increased your odds of success.

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