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Arise Virtual Solutions Teleclass IV – Click to Listen

Teleclass Header 0407Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur
Presented by Arise Virtual Solutions

Click below to hear small business coach Jenn Lee and Arise Virtual Solutions’ Senior Manager of Sourcing and Strategy Lisa Pelish discuss to join one of the fastest growing trends today — lifestyle entrepreneurship.

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Could You Be Promoted After Three Days?

If the talk around the water cooler hints at a new role opening up in your department, how would you position yourself as the best candidate?

jon-screengrab-2012 trevor-noah-sg-1

Jon Stewart, Trevor Noah
Photo Credit: Comedy Central

On Monday, Comedy Central announced comedian Trevor Noah will take over the reins of The Daily Show from Jon Stewart later this year. Noah has only appeared three times as a contributor on the show — quite the fast-track to the host chair.

While your promotion may not take place after just three days on the job, here are two takeaways from Noah’s rise to the top. Read More

One Call That Can Fulfill Two Important Life Callings:


Motherhood & Livelihood

How To Be a Stay At Home Mom

For so many women, two very important callings in life are often in conflict with one another – motherhood and having a career. The struggle to achieve both, and doing it blissfully, is well-documented.

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What to Avoid When Networking

latest-news-image5Knowing how to network is always a good idea, but knowing how not to network may be even better. This article gives seven tips on how to do it right.

Want to Communicate Effectively? Ask What vs. Why

By Mary Lippitt

At first glance, exchanging information, meaning, and messages among team members appears deceptively simple. After all, you know each other and share common goals. Nonetheless, communication and misunderstanding often continue.  The drive to get to the heart of the matter often has us make assumptions in order to quickly fill in the blanks. And these hasty conclusions tend to depend on a personal motivational filter, more than an open and rational analysis.

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What’s Next? Assessing Your Career Post-Baby

By Michelle Kruse

Having a child changes your life in a major way. And while many women will return to their current job following maternity leave, others may decide to seek a career that fits better with their new lifestyle. Between flexible hours and childcare options, a number of new factors come into play after adding a new member to your family.

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