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Don’t Bite The Hand

latest-news-image5No matter how talented you are, all it takes is one poorly worded comment or complaint spoken in the wrong place or to the wrong person to torpedo your job, writes Laura Stack. “We all have issues with our jobs…but biting the company’s hand that feeds you cannot only kill your job, but your career as well.”

Discover Why a Work-From-Home Business is Started Every 11 Seconds

Women for Hire November Sponsored Post 1105

There’s a movement sweeping the nation — women who are choosing to become home-based business owners in order to create the life they want, or that they need. While there are plenty of entrepreneurs whose only motivation is to make money, today more people are choosing to start a business primarily to fit their lifestyle; to bring more harmony to their work and personal lives.

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Job Hopping Loses Stigma

A new survey finds that 41% of baby boomers believe that people should stay in their jobs for at least five years before looking for a new role. Another 21% say between four and five years. Job hopping early in your career has lost its stigma, says Laura Vanderkam, as people now recognize that it is an efficient way to find the right job and get paid what you’re worth. Read more on Fast Company.

Economy Strengthens as More Workers Switch Jobs

latest-news-image5American workers are on the move again, switching jobs in greater numbers in a trend that heralds faster economic growth and a more dynamic labor market, USA TODAY reports.

Want to Get Ahead? Be Visible!

B“Doing a good job isn’t enough to succeed at work. You’ve got to be visible,” says Harvey Mackay. Make yourself visible at work by initiating impromptu conversations with your boss, taking on projects that others are afraid of and being friendly around the office. Read more on the Star Tribune.

Affordable New Health Care Options: Start a Healthier Future for You and Your Family

By Anne Filipic

Anne-FilipicWe never plan on being sick or getting hurt — but it happens. And when it does, medical bills should not be a burden on our families. Last year, we made incredible progress in enrolling nearly 16 million Americans in health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). But, tens of millions still stand to benefit from these new options.

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