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On Second Thought: Go For The Raise!

handsMicrosoft boss Satya Nadella has apologized for advising women not to ask for a pay rise but to have “faith in the system.” Read more on

Asking What You “Should” Do Can Hinder Your Career

girl on computerLida Citroen writes that a simple word – “should” – is one of the biggest self-limiting words we have. “What a powerful, limiting and sometimes hurtful word it has become,” she says.  Read more on

‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Four Things to Remember

It’s the classic opening line from a potential employer – “Tell me about yourself” – and how you answer it may very well determine if you get the job or if you move onto the next step in the recruiting process. On Career Attraction, writer Lisa Rangel talks about four things to remember when someone asks you this basic question.

Use Career Setbacks to Reflect

Has your career taken a step backward? It can happen to anyone, but the key is to  used the setback as a chance to rethink your career, collect feedback from others, and wait for the right opportunities to present themselves. Check out how a woman named Sheila did just that.

Assumptions Can Be Wrong


iStock_000005164183Large3Do you assume that your resume is the most important document in your job search arsenal? Or that in this online world, you’ll most likely find your next job on your computer? Think again. This piece lays out some common myths.

Five Frequent Job-Hunting Mistakes

By Michelle Kruse

When it comes to job-hunting, the rules have changed dramatically in recent years, and following outdated advice could cost you a job. No matter how old you are, make sure that you’re following modern guidelines when searching for work — and don’t make these five mistakes. Read More