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Data Shows Women Gained Two of Every Three Jobs in August 2014

iStock_000004084604XLarge-300x200Women gained two out of every three jobs added in August and now hold more jobs than their best pre-recession year, according to a study by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In August, men gained 51,000 jobs on nonfarm payrolls, while women gained 91,000. Read more on Bizwomen.

Dealing With A Workplace Generation Gap

by Vicky Oliver

When 20-something Millennials work with people who are the age of their parents and grandparents, generational clashes can happen. The newest generation of workers are more facile with technology than their older peers. Older workers, on the other hand, often possess the in-depth industry knowledge and years of company experience that younger employees lack.

Is there a benefit to learning how the other half works? Yes. Doing so fosters peaceful coexistence and camaraderie.

Here are some common situations that may arise, and some advice for how Millennials can navigate through them. Read More

Sodexo’s Lorna Donatone Guides and Leads Women in Food Service Roles

Sodexo Logo - Copy
By Trish Freshwater

The hospitality industry offers a number of career opportunities at restaurants, hotels, resorts and other meeting locations. At Sodexo, our chefs and food service managers have the opportiunity to work in corporate and government locations, as well as hospitals, K-12 schools and colleges.

It is here that Sodexo’s catering managers, food operations and food services managers, concession managers and retail operations managers use their passion for food and great customer service to become leaders in the hospitality industry. Read More

Tips for Getting Out of a Miserable Job

 Everybody has a bad day or even a bad week, but when you’re unhappy day after day, month after month at work, something’s up. To get yourself out of this rut, says Alison Green, ask yourself what would need to change for you to be happy. Read five more tips here.

Having A Tough Boss Can Be A Good Thing

iStock_000004834094-smallIt might sound counterintuitive, but a tough and demanding supervisor can be good for you. For starters, they tend to be harder on people they think have potential to go higher up the ladder. Read more on The Muse.

A Silver Lining To Getting Axed?

girl on computerSure, on the surface getting the boot is never anything to celebrate or brag about. Or is it? In this New York Post piece, four people who’ve been fired say there are upsides to it.