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Turning Down a Job Offer: Seven Questions

By Michelle Kruse

When you’re stuck in job, it can be tempting to escape with the first opportunity that’s offered to you. But if you’re not careful, you could very easily end up in the same situation you started in — or worse. It’s important to remain objective when considering a job offer and to just say “no” when the opportunity isn’t right.

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Take a Break This Summer!

By Deborah Shane

All work and no play makes for a dull, repetitive and exhausting life.

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The demands of our lives today can be overwhelming and challenging even for the best of us work-life balancers. The newer idea seems to be about work-life integration.

My colleague Dan Schawbel talks about this in Work Life Intergration: The New Norm. He says: the new phrase and idea is work life integration, where professionals blend personal and professional. Many boomers aren’t prepared for this shift: it’s happened too fast for them. But Millennials are taking the lead, talking to their friends via Facebook at work and answering business emails from home at night. Read More

Staying Fit is Good For Your Career

iStock_000003458384Large-1024x685The problem with “work-life” balance, Kevin Harrington writes in Forbes, is that work usually ends in coming first, neglecting life entirely. “When you neglect life, it comes back to bite you in the butt,” he says, “Fitness is tied to the bottom line more powerfully than you’d think.”

Flexible Work-From-Home Opportunities with Arise Virtual Solutions


Updated on July 18, 2023

Understanding Arise Virtual Solutions

Arise Virtual Solutions, a Forbes recognized company, has become a game-changer in the realm of remote work, offering an array of flexible work-from-home opportunities that cater to diverse skillsets.

As an industry leader in virtual business process outsourcing (BPO), Arise has fostered a unique platform that connects Fortune 500 and other large companies with a network of small businesses, run by people like you, using innovative technology and crowd-sourcing.

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Take Time to Make An Introduction

By Sunny K. Lurie

Recently, I was the lucky recipient of a random act of kindness when a car in front of me at a drive-through paid for my coffee.

A light went off: what if more people applied acts of kindness to the workplace — helping job seekers connect with potential employers? Having a personal introduction inside an organization is a huge advantage to career changers.

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Creating Your Best Tomorrow, Today

By Bruce Rosenstein

One-third of all Americans are dissatisfied with the future facing themselves and their families, according to a recent Gallup survey. And even among those who are satisfied, their optimism about the future is the lowest it’s been in 40 years.

The good news: you can create your own future. Better yet, you can do it simply and systematically as part of your everyday life, inside and outside the workplace.

Peter Drucker, the legendary father of modern management, approached the future with a forward-focused mindset, as something to be created and nurtured in the present moment. The takeaway for today: make choices and commitments, and take action, with tomorrow in mind.

Don’t leave your future to chance or fate, or to the whims of others. Instead, unlock and live your best future, beginning in the here and now. Start with these five keys, inspired by Drucker and imagined for today’s fast-moving, uneasy times: Read More