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The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media and Job Hunting

Looking for a job in today’s economy is no easy task. Our reliance on smartphones and social media can complicate the search. In fact, a recent study found that 1 in 10 young people have lost a job opportunity due to their social media pages.

Thomas Moran, CEO of staffing firm Addison Group, explains, “From Facebook to Twitter to Instagram, people feel comfortable sharing everything about their lives on the Internet. However, it’s important to remember that your friends aren’t the only ones reading your posts. Potential employers are too…and they can be turned off by several factors that you might not even consider.”

Here are Moran’s top five dos and don’ts when it comes to job seekers and social media:
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Tips for Following Up After An Interview

By Jean Baur

It’s an odd moment: you’re relieved that the interview is over, but then start worrying about how you did and when, if ever, you’ll hear from them. A day seems like a long time and a week is forever! What can you do to keep from climbing the walls or tearing your hair out?

Before you leave an interview, ask about their time frame. When do they plan on making a decision?

Right after the interview, make a list of three things you did well.
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Ace Your Next Interview with Perfect Posture

In an effort to impress hiring managers, many job seekers neglect to master body language — one of the most important hot buttons for employers, The Wall Street Journal reports.
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Helpful Hints for Job Seekers

By Dawn Quesnel

If you’re in a job search right now, you may feel like your resume is getting stuck in the pipeline, and that you’re not getting the attention you deserve. Here are some key points to help you get noticed in this crowded market.
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Land Your Next Job with Conversational Intelligence

By Judith Glaser

Knowing how to have an effective conversation is not just an inherent talent — it’s a skill backed by science that anyone can learn. In my new book CONVERSATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, I translate complex scientific material into adaptable practices for anyone to master and apply to getting a job and rising in a company.

Conversational Intelligence™ is what separates those who are successful from those who are not — in business, in relationships, and even in marriages. Read More

Seven Ways to Become a People Person


By Vicky Oliver

In the words of a legendary fairy tale, maybe you’re Grumpy, maybe you’re Bashful, or maybe you’re just not all that Happy.

No big deal, because you’re terrifically Talented, and everyone knows it, right?

Not in the real world, no. When it comes to getting promoted, you’re more likely to be chosen if your boss counts “people person” among your many assets.

In fact, a recent study that followed 20,000 recent hires found that nearly half of them (46 percent) failed within 18 months — and it wasn’t because they lacked skills. Eighty-nine percent of the time it was for attitudinal reasons: inability to be coachable and get along with others.

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