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We're Giving Away Christmas Cash: $500 a Pop!


This time of year always reminds me of my very first segment on Good Morning America. I was asked to research ways to make extra money during the holidays—and the reaction was HUGE.

I talked about how to land a retail position, the need for drivers to make pizza deliveries, and ways to nab well–paying gigs babysitting and running errands for busy professionals.

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Tory’s BORING Weekend


Just back in New York after three days at a vibrant Spark & Hustle program in Dallas. I wish you could have experienced everything with us, but not to worry, I made mental notes on a few takeaways to share here.

We started the program by telling everyone to expect to be bored. Not exactly a way to welcome the women who traveled from all over for this event, right? The truth is I am much less concerned with promises of excitement and hype, and much more interested in focusing on realistic, raw and revealing ways to make money now.

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Ready to Play BIG?


Hello from Dallas. I’m here holed up in a hotel room for three days working with 10 women to formulate their strategies to make more money in 2011.

They’ve invested in themselves and have traveled from across the country — VA to CA — to bust the barriers and get results.

Before we arrived here, one of the attendees said, “Tory, I’m ready to finally stop acting small. I really want to play BIG.”

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Thanks. Oprah. Turkeys. And More Thanks.


Every year on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving the scene is always the same in my kitchen: a 20 lb. turkey roasts in the oven for delivery to a community center three blocks from us that serves a warm holiday meal to hundreds of homeless and low income New Yorkers.

My kids take part in every step—selecting the bird, seasoning it to perfection, watching for the little white thing to pop, and walking it down the street for drop off.

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What's Really Beneath Us?


This week I received an email that made my day. I think you’ll like it, too.

Very often we ask ourselves if we can “afford” to accept an opportunity. It could be a job offer, a project or even a new client. Sometimes, obviously, the answer is no. We can’t possibly say yes to everything—and there are definitely things that aren’t worth our time and talent.

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Trapped at Work?


Just back from Houston and Miami and I’ve got Texas women on my mind.  I spoke to more than 5,000 attendees at the Texas Conference for Women last Wednesday.  Hundreds talked to me individually—and twice as many have since emailed to share their stories.

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