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Survey of Execs: Hiring on Rise

The Business Roundtable, a survey of 106 CEOs from some of the country’s biggest corporations, finds that 39 percent of executives planned to increase hiring during the second half of 2010, the highest percentage since 2007. Only 17 percent of CEOs said they would lay off employees.

Employers Cautious, Ask Staffs To Row Harder

Business is picking up for many companies but employers are still asking employees to work overtime to fill the demand because they’re still being cautious about making new hires, USA TODAY reports. Still, employers say they can’t risk burning out workers with too much overtime and will begin hiring if the recovery continues.

Flirting at Job Interviews – Yea or Nay?


Updated: July 15, 2023

Alright, ladies, let’s have a chat about something that’s not often talked about: flirting at job interviews. Interviews can already be a nerve-racking experience, right? And, as women, sometimes it can feel like a tightrope walk between coming across as approachable and giving off vibes that may be mistaken for flirting.

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“Strangled by self doubt, fear of failure and low self esteem”


I hear from women every day who are suffering greatly from job loss. My staff and I offer them whatever advice, leads and resources we can, but it’s often challenging since we can’t possibly give everyone the one-on-one help they really need.

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Is it OK for Recruiters to Say “Must be Currently Employed to Apply?”


Talk about disturbing job ads. Last week The Huffington Post got a ton of outraged reaction to a piece about how some companies are saying that job applicants “must be currently employed” to be considered. Seemed like an incredible tactic for any company to take, since it wrongly implies that if you’re out of work you’re lazy or worthless.

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Dirty Jobs Aren't Just For Men


Dirty jobs and women aren’t usually mentioned in the same sentence, but Carolyn Christensen is an exception. She owns air duct and kitchen exhaust cleaning franchises, Ductz and Hoodz. Up until recently, Carolyn used to go out on the job with all the guys as the project manager. Women For Hire talked to her about her life.

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