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Surviving Change You Didn’t Ask For


M.J. Ryan is the author of Adaptability: How To Survive Change You Didn’t Ask For (Broadway Books). In her book, Ryan, a columnist for Health magazine, shows how to get past fear and resistance to change and re-train your brain to master new challenges. Women For Hire asked her Five Questions.

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Putting on Pounds in the Recession? You’re Not Alone


More evidence that hard times are taking a toll on our waistlines, especially if we’re already pudgy. Overweight people — men and women — tend to pack on weight because of job stress and financial pressures, a new study shows. USA TODAY reports in today’s editions that researchers studied data on 1,355 people who had their stress and weight measured in 1995 and then again in 2004. Stress had no effect on normal weight people.

Would You Rather Clean Than Read a Career Book?

By Christine Fader

My friends and I always seem to gravitate back to two main topics in our conversations: relationships and careers. How can we get one (hunky hearthrob, great career)? Is it time to leave one (dumpy dingbat, crummy career)? And, how, exactly can we get one of those lives that are portrayed in the movies? You know the ones.

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Study: Stress Up, Raises Down, Summer Plans on Hold

Two out of three employees says recession-related work stress has affected their family life. Half don’t expect raises in the next year. While 74% said they travelled for summer vacation last year, only 60% will this year. This, according to the second quarter Employment Confidence Survey of 1,278 employees. Other findings:

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Stay Healthy at Work — Or Lose Your Health Benefit?

How would you feel if your employer gave you this ultimatum: get a medical check-up within one year or lose your health insurance? That’s what AmeriGas Propane Inc., a nationwide propane distributor based in Valley Forge., Pa. did last year. The Wall Street Journal reports that the company took the action because voluntary wellness programs didn’t work.

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Your Workplace Should Be Fun


In her new book, Thank God It’s Monday!: How To Create a WorkPlace You And Your Customers Will Love ((FT Press) Roxanne Emmerich tells the tale of two businesses, one desperately struggling to stay afloat, and the other thriving. The key to the one’s success and the other’s failure: “Companies that know how to have fun make more money.”

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