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Spotting if Your Company is in Trouble

Jean Tobin Zawlocki wrote HELP! My Company’s Going out of Business, What do I do now? (Authorhouse) She says she wrote the book after losing a job for the second time. “I decided to share reactions of what other people have done when they’ve been in a worst case employment scenario.”

Jean shared some other thoughts with Women For Hire. “I’ve worked at some great companies and there were a couple of companies that provided the information that helped me become more knowledgeable.”

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Shopaholic Savings


I love finding good deals or bargains at my favorite stores. Summer is also a great time to find sizzling hot deals and give-a-ways. Let’s be honest: the recession has been great for finding deep discounts.

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Dealing with Jerks at Work


In the just-released I HATE PEOPLE! Kick Loose from the Overbearing and Underhanded Jerks at Work and Get What You Want Out of Your Job (Little, Brown and Company) Jonathan Littman and Marc Hershon offer an irreverent guide to outfoxing underminers, micromanagers and backstabbers who prowl the corporate minefield. Women For Hire asked them Five Questions.

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Sotomayor: Past Comment Out of Line?


Many women’s groups have applauded President Obama for nominating U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court – which would make her the first Hispanic on the high court and only the third woman. But she has taken lots of flak in recent days from critics for saying in a 2001 speech at a Berkley Law lecture: “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.” Do you think that statement should disqualify her for the high court? Let us know what her nomination means to you – and for all women.

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My Credit Nixed a Job Offer: One Woman's Story


A woman wrote to Woman For Hire this week to report that she was denied a promising job at the last minute after a credit check revealed some late payments – making her ineligible for hire.

Has this happened to you or a friend or a relative? How do you feel about companies using your credit history against you in the hiring process? Please email us and let us know. Here’s the woman’s story: I was recently turned down for a management trainee job with rent a car firm.

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Thinking of a Government Job?


In 2001 Kathryn Troutman wrote Ten Steps to a Federal Job, which was honored as the “Best Career Guide of 2002” by the Publishers Marketing Association. Kathryn has more than 35 years experience in guiding careers and has written six career guides.

She recently updated Ten Steps to include information on how to get a federal job in the Obama Administration. Women For Hire asked her Five Questions.

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