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Where is the Good News?


As I scan the recent headlines and listen to the news, I have yet to hear many feel good stories, or human interest pieces. Piracy, murder, job loss, and the swine flu dominate our lives, as I am just looking for a small story that would illicit good news.

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Scarsdale Mom Loses It With Kids


When you reach the breaking point with your kids, what do you do to calm yourself down? Madlyn Primoff, a Park Avenue lawyer who lives in Scarsdale, N.Y., reached that point Sunday when her squabbling, 10- and 12-year-old daughters wouldn’t stop fighting in the the car. But instead of taking a few breaths, Primoff left them on the street in nearby White Plains, The New York Times reports. She was arrested.

The 12-year-old chased the car and got back in but her sister was left alone and comforted by a passerby who called police. When Primoff came to fetch her daughter, she was charged with endangering the welfare of a child and held overnight in jail. The mom “needed a time out. Instead, she traumatized her own children, took away their sense of security, perhaps forever,” says New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser. “I wonder if well-off yuppies were never meant to bear children.”

What do you think? Might Primoff have a legitimate defense? Did the police overreact? Do the kids bear any responsibility for what happened?

Poll: We'd Prefer to Be Rich Than Thin

While women worry about dieting and having their husbands remain faithful, never having to having to worry about money again is an even more powerful desire. That’s what readers of revealed in the series of “Feel the Pulse of Women” polls conducted last week. “With the current state of the economy, there’s a lot of anxiety about money, and it seems women would give up most anything to stop worrying,” says Myrna Blyth, editor of BettyConfidential. “I doubt there are many people who would tell you that they’d rather have their husband cheat than have to worry about their finances, but when given the anonymity of our polls, women reveal their true priorities, and it seems money is the big one.”

What Scotland’s Susan Boyle Means For You and Me


Susan Boyle didn’t discover overnight that she could sing. She’s been doing it since grade school and she has sung locally for years — steps that obviously prepped the 47-year-old Scottish sensation to shine on Britain’s Got Talent with her stirring rendition of I Dreamed a Dream.

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In the latest entry from my Pink Slip Diary: It’s Friday. I think. Every day feels like Saturday lately. Monday doesn’t have that dreaded feel. Wednesday no longer has that hump day feel nor does Friday have that exuberant release. I’m still getting accustomed to this whole happily and temporarily unemployed status as my fast-paced days flow into the next into the next into the next.

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Keeping Anxiety in Check in a Tough Economy

Anxiety expert Jerilyn Ross, author of the new One Less Thing To Worry About: Uncommon Wisdom for Coping with Common Anxieties (Ballantine Books), says there has been a sharp rise in the number of bankers and corporate executives seeking treatment for anxiety. Treatment is usually short-term, but Ross reports that people are requesting even fewer sessions to save money. Women For Hire talked to her.

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