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Tips For Standing Out At Work


At a time when many companies are keeping a close watch on staffing needs, make sure you stand out to colleagues and leadership without being terribly obvious that you are attempting to do doing so, says Sandra Naiman, author of The High Achiever’s Secret Codebook , now on bookshelves (Jist, $14.95.) Her tips:

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Doubling Up: Would You Do It For A Friend In Need?

In these tough times, would you open your house to a friend in need? I got to thinking about this recently when I repurchased the house that my ex-husband and I sold in 2002. Moving from a small Cape Cod to a spacious Dutch Colonial has given me room to breathe, but it’s not lost on me how fortunate I am at a time when people are downsizing.

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Blogging as Therapy or to Find Job Leads

Despite an M.B.A. and a decade of marketing experience, Rachel Levy was laid off in July. Rather than keep her feelings to herself, she did what thousands of others now do: she started a blog to chronicle her life post-layoff. Her first post was about her best new job opportunity: baby sitting. The Wall Street Journal reports that as layoffs increase, some job seekers are sharing their woes by blogging. For many, it’s therapeutic. For some, it’s turned into a way to garner job leads.

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Accent the Positive

It’s almost impossible these days to not hear the doom and gloom of the economic reports on the news, by the water cooler and at family dinners. We are inundated 24-hours-a-day with negativity, up-to-the-minute reports of lost jobs and stock market crashes. While it’s important to be informed, you owe it to yourself and your business to not go down the slippery slope of negativity.

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Can Couples Have It All?

In Getting to 50/50: How Working Couples Can Have It All by Sharing It All, Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober, two highly successful working moms, have written an action plan for couples based on the simple belief that in order to achieve a successful work-life balance, moms and dads must be equal at home. Published by Bantam Books, 50/50 is on bookshelves now. We asked the authors Three Questions.

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Facebook: Friend or Foe @ Work?


There I was, writing my very first newspaper article about Facebook and being “status conscious” when it comes to friending co-workers.

Amazed by speaking with sources who wanted to remain anonymous and fascinated by the topic, it begged me to ask the question: could you truly be Facebook friends with your co-workers? Perhaps the better question is should you friend your co-workers? How about your boss?

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