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Avoiding Workplace Pitfalls

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When it comes to the dirt on what’s really happening behind the scenes in your office, are you the one colleagues always look to? How about at staff meetings, are you the one who invariably disagrees with the boss because, well, you think he or she is wrong? Congrats, you’ve just committed two office sins which could prevent you from getting that next promotion.



Back-to-school is a great time of transition for stay-at-home parents. Suddenly a hustling, bustling household is quiet for stretches of time. If you’re the industrious type, you may be itching to fill that time with a solid source of income.

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Narrowing The Pay Gap Top 10 Cities

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There’s a gender pay gap in every major city in the United States, but it’s the narrowest in in Cape Coral, Fla. Women earn 93.6 cents for every dollar men earn, and in some area industries, women are paid as well or better than their male counterparts. Check out nine other cities where women’s salaries approach men’s.

What Working Women Really Resent

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While pay disparity, sexual harassment and being ignored in meetings are common complaints from women in the workplace, being overlooked for promotions is what really bigs them, a new survey shows. Of 1,613 women polled by Fairygodboss, 79 percent said men and women don’t get an equal shot at promotions, compared to 63 percent who cited  pay inequities.

Flexible Work Deals Key to Job Seekers

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When both parents work full-time in nearly half of the households in America, and when single parents represent almost a third of households with kids, flex work arrangements are quickly becoming a critical issue for job seekers and employers alike. A new survey shows that while a good salary or health insurance matter to parents, more important is an work arrangement that lets them work from home part of the time.

Working Long Hours Could Hurt Your Health

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A finds that women who worked an average of 60 hours or more over three decades had three times the risk of getting diabetes, cancer, heart trouble and arthritis than those who worked 40-hour weeks. Men weren’t nearly as affected by long work hours: They had a higher incidence of arthritis, but none of the other chronic diseases. Why the discrepancy? It may have something to do with the extra burdens women shoulder after before and after work. Click here for more.