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A Boomer Guide To Navigating the Millennial Workplace


Millennials (roughly ages 18 to 34) are now the single largest demographic in the American labor force. Because of this, more older workers are now hired and managed by people much younger than they are. In this piece, Rob Walker talks about how boomers can approach the generation gap at work, staring with: “Don’t assume that bosses or co-workers who lack your experience need a lecture about how things were done back in the day.”

First Impressions Count — To An Extent

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If you’ve made a good first impression on a group of people, don’t get too comfortable. Flub something, and they’ll quickly change their impression for the worse. Read why research finds that it’s easier to lose a good reputation than to gain one.

How Not To Let a Job Listing Scare You

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Sometimes the qualifications listed in a job listing seem so long, complicated and formidable that they’re an instant turnoff. But, do you really need to fulfill every single thing on the list? Hardly, says jobs expert Stacey Gawronski, who has eight tips on what to do if your jobs.

Why Age 32 Matters For Working Women

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According to workforce analytics company Visier, age 32 marks not only when the number of women managers drops, but when the gender wage gap widens. Women start making 90 percent of men’s wages at 32, and by 40, we’re making 82 cents to a man’s earned dollar. In this piece, writer Ruchika Tulshyan says there are ways to stop this decline, including making proactive efforts to hire women as managers.

The Gender Election

Donald Trump is an equal opportunity offender. (You can’t forget the demeaning epithets like “Lyin’ Ted” and “Little Marco.”)
Now that his trash talk is aimed squarely at Hillary Clinton—- “Crooked Hillary” to him, critics say there’s an undercurrent of misogyny when he regularly uses words like “unhinged” to describe Clinton, a former First Lady, U.S. Senator and Secretary of State.

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How A Hobby Might Improve Your Job Performance

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For years, Sibu Joseph routinely drove to work — “frustrated and tired by the time I arrived at work after sitting in traffic.” He tried skateboarding to work. “I arrive alert and energized,” he told Fast Company, “At the end of my shift, I look forward to jumping back on my board to head home.” Read here about other hobbies that can help you at work.