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How to Survive a Job Hunt

iStock_000002650343LargeA long, job search can leave psychological bruises and hurl you into a self-defeating cycle. “It’s a blow to your self-esteem,” David Reiss, a psychiatrist based in San Diego tells U.S. News.

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Avoiding Job Burnout 

Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 2.03.49 PMOne workplace problem for older workers is burn out—one reason why many of them retire earlier than they thought they would.  With more of us wanting to work well past our 50’s, it’s crucial to generate new enthusiasm within your place of work.

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The End of The “Office Housework” Gender Bias

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In offices across America, more often than not women are the ones who get stuck taking notes, fetching coffee or performing the office housework. When a woman declines to help, colleagues tend to like her less, but when a man refuses to help he is often seen as busy and suffers no backlash as a result. Sound familiar? FastCompany has this advice to help you navigate these troubled waters.

Entourages aren’t only for celebrities


Entourages aren’t only for celebrities — today, the most successful people in the workforce are likely to have a posse of people responsible for getting them to where they are, The New York Post reports. From explaining the finer points of Instagram to decoding the HR handbook, these mentors aren’t the traditional few-rungs-above-the-ladder role models — and that’s the way it should be.

Making Humor at Work Work

Most people like a good laugh, but what’s funny to some people others find inappropriate.  William Goodspeed, author of Buzz Kill, has these tips to avoid having your jokes land with a thud.

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Back to School: Take a Crash Course in Starting Your Own Business

Back-to-School-Header-image-0811The alarm rings a little earlier and the mornings get more hectic as you’re juggling making breakfast, dressing the kids and packing lunches. You know what this means? It’s back to school time! For many moms the grand finale of summer is when summer camp, road trips and days spent at the pool are replaced with carpooling, field trips and PTA meetings.

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