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Seven Career Tips for the Millennial Woman

girl on computer

By Amy Klimek

Millennial women are passionate, optimistic and hard working.

We know what we want, but we don’t always know how to get it. Sometimes, we don’t have the self-confidence or self-belief that we should. This can change. If you’re ready to take the next step, here are seven career tips compiled especially for you and the 30 million other millennial ladies who work every day of the week.

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Unique Job Options for Dieticians

The most common work environment for registered dieticians is within the realm of health care. Hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities employ dieticians to provide guidance and management of patients’ complex dietary needs.

Schools also employ those with backgrounds in nutrition. Due to the concern of childhood obesity and the need for healthier school lunches, dieticians are often on the front lines of ensuring children are getting the nutrients they need from their school meals.

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A Stay-at-Home Mom’s Guide to Opting Back In to the Workforce

By Michelle Kruse

One of the first expressions that I ever heard uttered was, “It’s just like riding a bike.” There is a lot of truth to those words — anyone who learned to ride a two-wheeler but then spends time without doing so believes that they could dust off that seat and start pedaling around the block with ease. That said, like most things, it’s not always so easy.

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There’s Nothing Spontaneous about a Successful Career

Sodexo LogoBy Trish Freshwater

I’m a planner by nature. I live by my calendar and often look ahead in six-month chunks of time. For me, six months might as well be six weeks, or, sometimes six days. Life moves fast and if you’re not paying attention, it can pass right on by you.

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Six Amazing Work At Home Offices

6 Amazing Work At Home Offices Arise

Own your own home-based business? If so, it can be said that Monday through Friday, your home office is your sanctuary. Whether you are a freelancing creative, customer service extraordinaire, or other small business owner, we have scoured the internet for the six best home offices.

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Harnessing Your Ambition in Nursing: Chartering Your Path to Becoming a Nurse

Updated on July 18, 2023


Unlocking Your Ambition in Nursing

In the ever-changing landscape of healthcare, nursing stands as a beacon, offering the opportunity to serve a fundamental human need – caring for others. If you’re exploring the term “ambition in nursing”, it’s evident that you feel a strong calling to this noble field.

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