Seven Career Tips for the Millennial Woman

By Amy Klimek
Millennial women are passionate, optimistic and hard working.
We know what we want, but we don’t always know how to get it. Sometimes, we don’t have the self-confidence or self-belief that we should. This can change. If you’re ready to take the next step, here are seven career tips compiled especially for you and the 30 million other millennial ladies who work every day of the week.
1. Mental preparation is the key to success in the office, in the gym and at home.
Prepare to succeed by setting daily and weekly goals and by taking the time to plan your future. If you want to achieve big things, outline a number of smaller goals that will take you there.
2. Manage your time.
First, learn how to prioritize. Second, create a daily to-do list and time outline. Budget for weekly meetings and time spent on office duties. Third, avoid time suckers. Set limits, and put these activities on the back burner until more important tasks are complete.
3. Read your way to success.
According to bosses, many millennials don’t handle criticism well and have trouble managing impatience toward established workplace practices. Master these soft skills by reading the classics. “The One Minute Manager,” “Contact: The First Four Minutes,” “Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun” and “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” are all excellent books.
4. Stand up for yourself.
Millennial women are 15 percent less likely to ask for a raise compared to men in the same age group. We are also averse to discussing advancement with superiors. If you’re one of the 41 percent who feel that you’re underpaid and undervalued, you know who to blame.
5. Get what you want.
Folks in our generation expect to have fewer than five long-term jobs, but about two-thirds move to a new position after three years. Companies want us to be happy, and it doesn’t take much.
A study found that a healthy work-life balance is the most important thing. If your boss can give you flex-time, more vacation and small perks, you’re much more likely to stay and to be happy.
6. Know your limits.
Overcome your obstacles. The most common thing preventing generational women from advancing is an inability to balance personal and professional goals, including being a parent. Nearly 20 percent of women say that they don’t have the confidence needed to advance, and 30% are burned out. Ten percent of young professional women cite a lack of education or difficultly finding mentors as their top career roadblocks.
7. Don’t succumb to pressure.
Although it’s nice to know that millennial women get promoted more often because we work harder, are more organized and put an emphasis on preparation, this stuff doesn’t matter. Look at the big picture and realize that a meaningful, rewarding and balanced career will outweigh a job that pays more but may ultimately make you unhappy. Don’t be insecure about what you are now, and don’t be afraid to learn or grow.
Amy Klimek is an experienced HR recruiter and VP of Human Resources for ZipRecruiter, a company that simplifies the hiring process for small to medium size businesses. Prior to that Amy has held similar roles at, eBay and US Interactive.
For Amy, corporate culture isn’t about dogs and free lunches, it’s about empowering employees and creating an enriching environment for people to excel.
The last line of this piece is, at least to me, the most important. “Don’t be insecure about what you are now”. So many times I catch myself thinking “I could never do that”- I could never have thought up that campaign, I never would have seen that opportunity- but then I realize that the people doing the things I say I can’t are far more advanced in their careers. I’m supposed to still be learning. Thank you!