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Calling All Moms!

How one mom’s desire to work-from-home led to a successful home-based business

To describe Cindy Riley as a giving person is an understatement. After all, she is the adoptive mother of four children, two of whom have special needs. She also gave 15 years of her life to corporate America without getting much in return. Cindy gave as much of her time and attention to her children as she could, but didn’t feel it was enough as she struggled as a single mom after her husband passed away. Then, in 2012, Cindy started her own business that finally gave her something back – her life.

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What’s Your Career Resolution for 2015?


If your New Year’s resolution is to advance further in your field or make a major career change — what steps are you taking to make it happen?

Building your personal brand and expanding your network should be at the top of your list.

Identifying the resources and advice you need to stay motivated will help you stick to your commitment.

Tell us below YOUR 2015 career goals and how you plan to make your dream a reality.

Social Media + Networking = Career Moves

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By Trish Freshwater

When I first joined LinkedIn, it was a little known web site where a Sodexo social networkingfew of us “geeks” posted a brief resume and hoped to connect with former college classmates and maybe find a professional contact through the whole three degrees of separation theory. It was the first attempt to connect with others online outside of e-mail. And to us, the LinkedIn of 2004 was way cool. Until Facebook came along and showed us how we could really keep up with old friends …

Today, social media has many roles in our lives — not the least of which is creating our own personal-professional brand, and providing a platform to connect with professionals in our industries. But, if you’re not using social media in a meaningful way, you could actually hurt your chances of landing that great job you recently discovered. Read More

Holiday Success for Jobseekers

One of the biggest drags of the holiday season is being asked, “Have you found a job yet?”iStock_000005250604XLarge-951x1024

Don’t shy away from holiday events because you dread the admission that you’re out of work or hate your job. Instead, use this time to put on a happy face and get fresh new leads.

1) The holidays are an ideal time to attend parties and network with people you don’t often (or ever) see.

2) Use the opportunity to refine your pitch and casually discuss your job search and the companies in which you’re interested.

3) Keep the conversation positive.

4) Discuss how you’re staying up-to-date on industry changes or boosting in-demand skills. Share volunteer accomplishments.

5) Even at family gatherings, you may find someone who can advise in your search or make an introduction to an helpful contact. Read More

Mentors Are All Around You

By Elizabeth Ghaffari

Looking for a mentor?

They’re all around you: at home,  school, play, work and in the media.

They’re our mothers, fathers, siblings and other relatives who have traveled these paths before us and can teach us simple truths: the joy of reading, how words are put together, teasing, different cultures, and different life experiences.  Our choice is to listen to their examples or ignore them. Gather those lessons and you can gain great wisdom and insight. Ignore and you’ll walk away empty-handed.

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Losing Your Job Can Hurt Your Health

iStock_000003458384Large-1024x685While previous studies showed that losing a job led some people to shed weight and exercise more, The New York Times says that might be changing.