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Veteran Hiring: A Commitment to Our People and Our Country

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By Trish Freshwater, Senior Communications Manager

Today, we honor our veteran employees and their families for the extraordinary sacrifices that they have made. But when it comes to hiring this group of men and women who have served our nation, the conversation really needs to take place all year long – not just at Veterans Day.

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Five Tips to Getting Your Dream Job

In her new eBookWow Your Way into the Job of Your Dreams, Frances Cole Jones shows job seekers how to take their skills, smarts and willingness to learn and transform their visions into reality

We asked her for her five top tips for getting a job.

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Mentors – They’re All Around Us

In Tapping The Wisdom That Surrounds You: Mentorship and Women, author Elizabeth Ghaffari writes that young women seeking mentors often had no idea where to find such support or what they needed to receive from such a relationship.

But women who aspire to leadership roles, she says, seek and find mentorship all around them: at home, at school, at play, at work, and in the media. Here’s more from her:

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Networking Averse? Five Tips to Make It Easier

flexibleDo you equate attending network events with getting a tooth pulled at the dentist? You’re not alone: studies show that many people are introverts and shy away from small talk. Read Hannah Morgan’s five tips for getting over your fear. Read more on U.S. News.

Success, Motherhood, and Creating Your Dream Job


Michelle Kruse of ResumeEdge interviews Tory Johnson on success, motherhood and creating your dream job.

As the founder of two multi-million dollar career-focused businesses, Tory Johnson serves as an inspiration to women all over the world. It’s almost hard to believe that she was inspired to begin her entrepreneurial journey following a painful firing. Today, Tory makes regular appearances on Good Morning America, she’s a contributing editor for Success magazine, and her recently released book The Shift is a #1 New York Times bestseller. Tory recently took a few minutes out of her busy schedule to chat about her career path and how she created her own dream job.

Michelle: From your time in the corporate world, you certainly know what it’s like to be comfortable in your career rather than being fulfilled. How do you motivate people in that situation to take a brave step toward a career that they are in love with? How do you inspire women to have it all? Read More

What If You Were Fired Today?


iStock_000004746552Large3-300x250The best advice Lisa Rangel ever got came from a friend who told her “pretend you were fired today. If you were, you would start to make a list of all the activities you would do to land your next job. Take that list, and while you are working, do one item a week to ensure your bases are always covered.” Read more on Career Attraction.