Five Tips to Getting Your Dream Job
In her new eBook, Wow Your Way into the Job of Your Dreams, Frances Cole Jones shows job seekers how to take their skills, smarts and willingness to learn and transform their visions into reality
We asked her for her five top tips for getting a job.
1. Getting a Job is Your Job: Sometimes being unemployed looks a lot like sleeping until 10, picking up a coffee in your sweats, doing a bit of light internet surfing, meeting a friend for another coffee…No. If you’re looking for work, you have a job. It needs to look a lot like getting up at 8 a.m. Getting dressed in something a step up from sweats, and buckling down at your computer to generate leads and follow up on details. Afternoon coffee should be your networking opportunity.
2. Recognize When to Delegate: Unless you are a web or graphic designer, spending hours reconfiguring your website or redesigning your business cards is not a productive use of your time. Delegate those activities and put your focus on getting out word of your talent and availability. Which leads to number 3…
3. Tell Everyone. While it can be awkward– and seem preposterous– to tell everyone you know to tell everyone they know what you are hoping to do/the position you are hoping to land, it’s impossible for you to know who knows whom. Yes, your mother’s childhood chum may be a snore, but you don’t know whom she knows. Sometimes the most unlikely people have a lead.
4. Nobody Cares about You: H.R. professionals and your future company are not there to make your dreams come true. Given that, please don’t send cover letters, or answer interview questions, by stating your goals. Both your cover letter, and your answer to “Tell me about yourself…” need to state how you will add value to the firm once you’ve been hired. You need to articulate how you are going to make THEIR dreams come true.
5. Don’t Panic: These days, many interviewers are stopping the interview halfway through and saying, “I just don’t think you’re the right fit for us” whether they think so or not—they do this to see if you’re willing to fight for the position. Should this happen, lean in and smile, then say, “I must not be making my enthusiasm for the position clear. May I take you through my thinking one more time?”
Test Drive Your Dream Job: An Exclusive Interview with Brian Kurth on
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