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What To Do When The Boss Takes You To Task

iStock_000004673829XLarge1Criticism about your work can be tough to take. It may seem wrong or unfair. You may dislike or disrespect the person giving it. Or the feedback may rock your sense of identity or security. But it can be a chance to show off a rare skill: taking negative feedback well, says The Wall Street Journal’s Sue Shellenbarger. Read more here.

Your Personal Brand is Key

by Lisa Orrell

Savvy employees manage their personal brands every day. They understand that every time anyone contacts them at work, outside work or on social media one of two things happen: their personal brand is either strengthened or weakened by what they say or don’t say, and by what they do or don’t do.

Which is why focusing on your personal brand is a “behavior barometer” as to who you really are.
By creating and managing your personal brand at work, you will:

· Achieve More Clarity & Direction: Personal branding is all about increased self-awareness, acknowledging your weaknesses (bad temper, shyness, or poor communications skills) then making necessary changes to improve yourself. It’s also about knowing your strengths. You have to know who you are and who you aspire to be in order to conduct yourself effectively, regardless of your career-level. Read More

Five Holistic Tips to Job Searching

By Crystal Cotton

Competition in the job market is fierce for anyone who is not equipped with the right tools.

What most people put in their tool box are the basics: resume, cover letter, professional branding statement, skills, experience and education.

The truth is that those things are just the starting point, because you also need a positive attitude, fresh approach and solid strategy.

Here are five practical and holistic tips to help you take a new approach, adopt a new attitude and firm up your job hunt strategy:

1. Stay Open to Opportunity — Consider transitional careers and transitional skills. Look into industries that have on-going growth, such as health care, education and government or quasi-governmental agencies. Read More

Women Find Trouble at the Top

Think being a woman boss is a breeze? High-profile women are often seen as more difficult and tough than their male counterparts, The New York Post reports, making being a woman at the top a lonely place.

Is Facilities Management in Your Future?

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By Autumn McReynolds

World Facilities Management Day is an annual celebration that gives us the opportunity to recognize the successes and contributions of facility managers around the world.

As a leader in facilities management solutions, Sodexo embraces the occasion as a time to come together with industry professionals and associations across the globe to discuss the advancement of the profession and the future of careers in FM, which is exactly what we did during the celebration on June 4, when several of our leaders offered to share their perspectives on hot topics in the industry and predictions of what’s to come.

Visit our Facilities Management careers site for a full recap of this year’s conversation.

The Future of Facilities Management

As facilities management continues to evolve with the environment around us, so must those working in the space. From shifting demographics to an increased need for agility, here’s what the future may hold for FM professionals: Read More

How To Be a Better Person at Work

By Jude Bijou

One of the most common ways to invite problems at work is by allowing destructive thinking to influence our attitudes and behaviors. For example, when overloaded with work, we may think, “This isn’t fair!” Or when a coworker is unpleasant, we jump right into “He’s a jerk.”

We can’t always control negative thinking, but learning to recognize when we’re doing it is the first step to changing thought patterns so we don’t end up alienating our coworkers and making the workplace unpleasant.

Learn to recognize destructive thought and replace it with a simple positive statement that contradicts it and is true. This “truth” will help to neutralize the underlying anger, sadness or fear that triggers destructive thought.

Here are some examples of destructive thought — and the truth that can counteract it. Read More