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Lost Your Job? Seven Things To Do Before Starting Your Job Search

iStock_000003458384Large-1024x685Experts at Harris Allied, a New York City-based executive search firm, note that almost everyone, at some point in their career, gets laid off or fired.

“People lose their jobs for many reasons. Maybe their company has decided to outsource or sell a division; it’s purely a financial decision; or the nature of the work or business has changed. Even in cases when you’re fired for poor performance, it’s important to leave that embarrassment at the door and put the past behind you so you can look forward toward the future,” says Harris Allied Managing Partner Kathy Harris.

Harris offers the following tips to unemployed job seekers so they can make the most of today’s job market:
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Key to Success? How About ‘Career Capital?’


Having a variety of skills that define and advance your career – ‘Career Capital’ – is the key to success, according to a new study by Accenture, the global management consulting tech services and outsourcing company. The survey was of 4,100 men and women professionals in 32 countries.

Eighty-four percent of those surveyed say they are working to increase their career capital in an effort to enjoy greater opportunities for growth, influence decisions and increase their credibility among colleagues and peers. Sixty-seven percent think knowledge and competency in a specific area is the most valuable Career Capital component.

Nine out of ten respondents say the most successful employees can adapt to the changing workplace; nearly as many (89 percent) say they thrive on or don’t mind change.
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Finding the Right Fit is Key to Success

By Shoya Zichy

Corporate culture is the sum of an organization’s goals and values. Fortunate individuals who find themselves in the right culture feel both energized and valued by their boss, peers, and subordinates. Others, in the wrong setting, might be stifled and frustrated by practices and processes that run counter to their natural style. Finding the right culture for your personality is a key component to job success and overall quality of life. Cultural fit is closely related to the structured and adaptable components. Please note that neither type is better or smarter than the other. Each has its success stories and failures. They key is knowing yourself and finding the right fit.

Please choose among the following sample questions:
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Seven Cover Letter Secrets for Job Search Success in 2014



by Cheryl Lynch Simpson

Like resumes, cover letters have changed a lot in recent years. If you’re planning a job search in 2014, it will be important to employ current cover letter best practices to give your candidacy an edge.

Here are seven such practices that will propel your cover letters from ho-hum missives to WOW communiques:
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Why You’ve Gone on a Dozen Interviews and Were Not Hired


By Crystal Cotton

With 20+ years of experience in human resources, I‘ve had my share of really bad interviews. I confess, early in my career, the bad interview experience could have been my fault. After all, the interview process can be just as grueling for the interviewer as it is for the interviewee; especially if either are inexperienced, overly nervous or just have poor communication and social skills. But, as I became more experienced, more precise with my questions and skilled at soliciting critical information without crossing any lines of legality – this takes a great deal of intuitive skill – it became apparent that sometimes…no, most of the time; it’s not me, it’s you. Yes, you…the ill prepared, inexperienced, uninformed and unprofessional job applicant. You are the primary reason why you’ve gone on a dozen interviews and were not hired.

It’s the most perplexing part of the job search. What did I do wrong? Why didn’t they call me back? How do I convince them that I’m the right person? When you’re getting interviews but no offers, you must look at yourself more closely. Something could be amiss. Read More

Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office – Interview with the Author – Lois Frankel

Updated on 13 July 2023

Lois Frankel, bestselling author of Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers, has updated her groundbreaking book to reflect all that has changed in the workplace over the last decade to help women identify 133 common behaviors that could be hindering their careers.

Women For Hire had the privilege to recently conduct an interview with her. We dove into a series of five detailed questions, sparking a captivating conversation. Not only can you delve into and explore our exclusive interview with her below, but along with this, we are also providing more information about her intriguing book.

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