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Mistakes Even Smart Women Make in the Workplace


By Crystal Cotton

Updated on July 17, 2023

I’m always inspired by the resilience women have shown in overcoming work-life challenges — balancing family and career, and making choices which affect their family’s physical, mental and emotional health, — yet, still baffled by some of the mistakes smart women make in the workplace.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics today’s workforce majority is female (57.1 %), and about 59% of women hold Bachelor’s degrees.

More women are CEOs of their own or Fortune 500 Companies than ever before. Women CEOs run 10.4% of Fortune 500 companies.

And, women are now dominating formerly male-heavy fields like Financial Analyst, CPA’s and Health Care Administrators.

Great strides, right? So why are so many smart women still struggling to make successful paths for themselves at work? Why have some women catapulted over the gender disparities, while others can’t break through?

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Join Us in Support of Work Flexibility


Do you know anyone who wouldn’t jump at the chance for a more flexible work arrangement? After all, workers with flexible jobs have half the stress level of those without. That’s right, half the stress. Though opportunities to work from home, or have a flexible schedule, or work part-time have certainly increased over the last decade, a lot more needs to be done. And that’s why 1 Million for Work Flexibility is such an important initiative.
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Top Five Questions About Resumes Answered


By Dawn Rasmussen

Let’s face it. There’s a lot of competing information out there for job seekers on how to write your resume.
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How to Search for a Job During the Holidays


By Stacia Pierce

If you are in the midst of a job search, don’t count yourself out when the holiday season hits. As the year winds down and the holidays approach, many people begin to feel like they are running out of time on their job search, and they end up giving up until the New Year Read More

Boost Your Job Search in Five Simple Steps

By Leeza Byers

The competition in today’s job market is fierce! Therefore, it is critical for job seekers to revolutionize their approach when seeking employment ― whether you’re unemployed or seeking new opportunities for advancement in your career. Read More

Employers Find Top Talent through Social Media

A survey of more than 7,000 recruitment companies, HR managers and recruiters in the U.S. has found 64% have rejected a job application after looking at a candidate’s social media profile.

The survey, undertaken by, the world’s leading Oil and Gas jobs board, also found that 82% of employers have looked up potential candidates on social media sites, while 71% of them have successfully hired an employee or contractor using social media.

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