Join Us in Support of Work Flexibility
Do you know anyone who wouldn’t jump at the chance for a more flexible work arrangement? After all, workers with flexible jobs have half the stress level of those without. That’s right, half the stress. Though opportunities to work from home, or have a flexible schedule, or work part-time have certainly increased over the last decade, a lot more needs to be done. And that’s why 1 Million for Work Flexibility is such an important initiative.
1 Million for Work Flexibility is a coalition of individuals, businesses, and organizations who think flexible work options are a necessity for both employees and employers in today’s workforce. Women for Hire along with more than 40 other fantastic organizations like Working Mother, MomCorps, the National Association for Female Executives, and the Boston College Center for Work & Family have already voiced their support for 1 Million. In bringing together everyone who supports work flexibility, we can truly change workplace culture.
Are you already working a flexible job? The funny thing about work flexibility is that lots of people have it in some form, but don’t realize it because it’s such a casual arrangement. Have you ever asked to work from home when a child was sick from school? Or tried to shift your schedule to avoid holiday rush-hour traffic? In these small ways and many others, people work flexibly every single day. 1 Million aims to highlight these practices and help ensure that workers in every industry have access to them.
Different types of work flexibility identified by 1 Million include:
- Flexible and alternative schedules
- Working from home either some or all of the time
- Shifted work schedules to avoid rush-hour commuting
- Compressed workweeks
- Job sharing
- Freelance or contract work
- Part-time schedules for professional-level positions
- ROWE – Results Only Work Environments
Women from around the country are voicing their support of work flexibility. Tammy says she supports flexible work, “to have a challenging career while balancing the demands of raising a family.” Catherine is looking for the, “ability to work around family members’ health issues.” And Tiffany brings in the employer’s perspective: “Allowing folks to work from home builds loyalty to an employer as well as building stronger relationships everywhere. And think of the money saved in no longer needing office space.” We hope you’ll add your voice to the mix.
Take a minute to join 1 Million for Work Flexibility today, and become part of a growing movement towards ideas you already support: reduced stress, increased productivity, and better work-life balance.
Brie Weiler Reynolds is the Director of Online Content at FlexJobs and a contributing writer for 1 Million for Work Flexibility, the first national initiative to bring people together and create a collective voice in support of work flexibility.
I would love to be a Partner and find a way to work together to support this movement. 1 Million For Work Flexibility. This is exactly what my website – Motivated Mommies is all about, finding opportunities that work with your lifestyle.
Check out recent news on work flexibility, including what employees want when returning to the workforce after the pandemic.
Even if you’re confident that a flexible schedule will lead to a more balanced life for you and boost your productivity for your company, it can still be difficult to ask your boss for flex. Here are some tips to ask for flexible working hours. Many of the small towns in which rural Americans live often lack the big businesses and organizations that can offer the jobs they want. One way we can bridge this gap is by providing robust, reliable, and affordable broadband connections to rural America.