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Five Strategies To Advance and Own Your Professional Development


By Deborah Shane

What are you doing today to own your professional development? Are you doing the pulling or is someone else doing it for you? Careers used to move themselves, but today we are responsible for moving our careers in the direction we want them to go.

It’s really always been up to us to find, get and keep a job. Just a few years ago all you had to do was call a company you wanted to work for, or ask a colleague to make an introduction, and within a relatively short time you could have a job or switch jobs.
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Mason Donovan and Mark Kaplan: Diversity Pays

Mason Donovan and Mark Kaplan are principals of The Dagoba Group, a global diversity and inclusion consultancy focused on delivering measurable returns. They are co-authors of The Inclusion Dividend: Why Investing in Diversity & Inclusion Pays Off (Bibliomotion 2013).
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8 Steps To Find The Right Federal Job

by Robin Schlinger

Applying for Federal jobs is different then applying for non-Federal jobs. Below is a road map in the form of eight steps to find the right Federal job to apply for & how to apply effectively.

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Off-Résumé: 5 Soft Skills to Make You Stand Out


by Deborah Shane

Are you seriously preparing for the next step of your career path?

Employers are more selective in who they’re hiring than ever before. That means that while what’s on your résumé (your core skills, unique qualities and measurable accomplishments) is more important than ever, it’s your soft skills—your ability to interact effectively with coworkers and customers—that will make you stand out as a premium and launch you down your career path at high speed.

Here are 5 key soft skills you should master:
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Do’s and Don’ts of Resume Writing


By Dawn Quesnel,

We know the job market is tough right now, and that a faulty résumé can hinder your job search before you’re able to get your foot in the door. We reached out to Dawn Quesnel, CPCC, PCC, better known as Coach DQ, to share some of her top tips for building a dynamic résumé that will keep you in the running.

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