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Trick of the Trade: Know Your Data

Before you go swimming, it’s important to know what you’re jumping into. So while you’re tackling your job search, it’s good to look at the data first. Know who you’re up against. Take some time before that big interview to study the stats, learn the ropes of your industry, and understand its past, present and how you can improve its future.

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Book Bag: How to Communicate Well In A Virtual World


In her new book, The Virtual Executive, Debra Benton writes about how you can effectively present yourself, manage and lead using all of today’s communications channels — without seeming rote or detached. We asked her to talk about the book.
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Class of 2012: Still a Tough Job Market

Graduating college students face a mixed job market at best this year, and most will leave school without an offer in hand, despite an uptick in hiring by on-campus recruiters, The Wall Street Journal reports. A survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers finds companies that recruit on campuses will hire 10.2% more grads than last year. But most new graduates find jobs on their own.

Why We Need Women-Only Networks

At Women For Hire, men are welcome, but let’s face it: we’re for and about women and their careers. In this piece, author Stacey Gordon defends women-only venues. “We need a place where we can nurture relationships in a way that feels comfortable, a venue where we make the rules, and a private space that empowers us.”

Women Rise in Corporate Ranks

More and more companies are grooming women for the top executive ranks, The Wall Street Journal reports. With a growing pool of highly qualified women and intensified investor pressure on boards to diversify corporate management teams, companies “are hiring more high-potential women who could be CEO,” says Judith von Seldeneck, head of Diversified Search, a Philadelphia executive-recruitment firm.

Happiness at Work Begins With You

Keryl Pesce is a happiness expert and the author of Happy Bitch – The Girlfriend’s Straight-Up Guide To Losing The Baggage and Finding the Fun, Fabulous You Inside.

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