Washington, DC Career Expo – November 9, 2011
→ Tell us if you are planning to attend
Included in this free four-hour event
*Power Seminars: Top tips and tricks on acing a challenging job search
*Mentor Match: Candid advice from another professional in the trenches
*Perfect Pitch: Nail your quick intro to wow everyone you meet
*Resume Reviews: Instant feedback on this all-important document
*The Interview: Experts will evaluate job seeker’s interview skills
*Engaging Employers: Access to the people who’ll get you in the door
*Exceptional Connections: Phenomenal talent to trade ideas and leads
Coffee & Career ChatRegister for the Early Morning Seminar REGISTRATION CLOSED. Is your job search stalled? Have you been thinking about starting your own business but aren’t sure what steps to take? Sign up now for Women For Hire’s popular early morning seminar. Jump start your success by registering for this special session prior to the career expo from 8:30am-10:00am. You’ll also receive priority admittance into the career expo. Bonus: Starting this fall, Tory – Good Morning America’s workplace expert – also shares details on how you can use your talent and expertise to start a small business. Space is limited. Reserve your space now. Register Now Sponsored By: |
Take Part in our Mentor Match Program
All career expo attendees are invited to benefit from a complimentary, one-on-one “speed mentoring” session with accomplished professionals from a range of leading employers. This is your chance to ask questions about balancing work and family, figuring out how to switch careers, and finding the Aha! moment in your job search and career advancement. Ask anything you want during your mini-mentor session! It’s another FREE benefit of attending the Washington DC Career Expo. (No pre-registration necessary.)
Power Seminars in Washington, D.C.:
Corliss Jackson
Cracking the Code: Your Federal Job Search
Wondering why you haven’t gotten an interview for that federal job? Learn from a former federal HR manager from the Office of Personnel Management about how to craft your federal application so it grabs the attention of the HR staff.
Corliss Taylor Jackson is an expert on the federal government’s hiring process. As a former GS-15 human resources manager, she has more than 10 years of hands-on experience at the Office of Personnel Management and the National Institutes of Health. As president and CEO of Federal Job Results, she provides consulting services to various federal agencies in recruiting and hiring. Jackson’s experience provides her with a unique insider’s view of the federal hiring process which she uses to help job seekers.
Angela Schutz
Interview Skills that Make the Hiring Manager Take Notice
Angela I. Schutz is Managing Director/Founder of Driven To Succeed Consulting, a career development/executive coaching service aimed at empowering people to find their ultimate career potential.
United States Secret Service
Join Our Team/Employment Opportunities for Women in the United States Secret Service
The United States Secret Service is a federal law enforcement agency headquartered in Washington, D.C. with more than 125 offices throughout the United States and abroad. Under Congressional mandate, the Secret Service is responsible for protecting our nation’s leaders and certain criminal investigations.
The Secret Service offers careers to women as uniformed officers, special agents and in a variety of administrative, professional, technical and clerical occupations.
Jacki Pickett
Careers in the Federal Government
Jacki Pickett began her career with the Transportation Security Administration in 2003 as a management-program analyst in the Office of Civil Rights and Liberties. In 2006, she moved to the Office of Human Capital to manage diversity programs. Before joining the TSA, Jacki served as a political appointee in the Clinton Administration.
Benefit from our Perfect Pitch Program
In this session you’ll work with coaches to master that all-important one sentence to sell yourself.
Whether you’re a seasoned executive, a recent college grad or an entrepreneur, we all must know how to introduce ourselves in a way that’s clear, concise and compelling. Yet most people don’t have that opening sentence down.
This session will help change that and leave you feeling empowered and confident. Get the boost you need!
Participating Exhibitors
Arlington (VA) Government
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Cox Communications
Defense Logistics Agency Energy
Drug Enforcement Administration
Essential Bodywear
Export Import Bank of the United States
Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department
Farmers Insurance
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Home Loan Bank – Office of Finance
Federal Housing Finance Agency
Federal Reserve Board
G&B Solutions, Inc.
Internal Foundation for Electoral Systems
Internal Revenue Service
Maryland Transportation Authority Police
National Automobile Dealers Association
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NCI Information Systems
National Security Agency
New York Life
Paparazzi Accessories
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Pepco Energy Services, Inc.
Prince William County Police Department
Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies (SGT)
Transportation Security Administration
U.S. Customs & Border Protection
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Postal Service
U.S. Secret Service
Want to volunteer at our expos?
One of the many reasons women like joining us at Women For Hire expos is that our staff members are friendly, helpful and always willing to lend an ear. If you’re interested in seeing what a career expo looks like from the inside, we hope you’ll consider volunteering with us for the day. We pay a small stipend to cover your expenses, so it’s a chance to make a little pocket money and experience what we do. Email your resume and cover letter to [email protected] to be considered for the expo in your area.
Planning to attend this event?
Sign up for this special e-blast to receive up-to-the-minute details on this particular event. We will alert you to exclusive drawings, advice on connecting effectively with the participating employers, and tips for having success at this career expo. (Note: Even if you’re already registered for our national enewsletter, you should sign up for this event-specific email.)