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Do Your Clients Need to Know You Work from Home?


I spoke to an acquaintance recently who told me about an editor, a young mother, who worked from home. This acquaintance was her client and was appalled by the editor’s lackadaisical attitude on the phone. The acquaintance felt ignored, frustrated and annoyed when the editor interrupted their conversation to chat in baby talk to her child.

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Changing: Your First 30 Days Count

Ariane de Bonvoisin‘s 2008 book, The First 30 Days, is out in paperback, updated to reflect some of the economic and social turmoil in the past year. Women For Hire asked Ariane Five Questions.

1) A lot has happened since 2008. I’m one of the millions of women who lost her job. What are three things I should do in the first 30 days?

Take care of your health, get that energy flowing. Its the SEED of change- Sleep, Exercise, Eat Well and Drink (water).

You need endurance now and your health is often the first thing that goes out the window when something hard like a job loss happens.

People who are good at change really take care of themselves, no matter what.

– Let go of any old, disempowering beliefs like “there are no jobs”, ”I am a failure, i am ashamed”…”no one is hiring” and replace them with a belief like

“From this situation, something good will come” what i call The Change Guarantee
People who are good at change have positive beliefs. They are optimistic.

– Figure out what kind of job you want, don’t necessarily go do what you’ve been doing before. There are few moments in your life where you get given the time to think, to reflect, to ask different questions, to consider doing something totally different. Listen to your intuition, ask yourself what you love, what youre great at. Only when you’ve got that figured out should you take some action, network, start reaching out.

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Mother's Day, Redefined

By Claire Shipman and Katty Kay

This Sunday Michelle Obama will spend her first mother’s day in the White House. We don’t know much about the surprises planned — other than that they will almost certainly involve her two daughters, her happens-to-be-President of a husband and a dog named Bo.

Yes, she already gets a fantastic breakfast every day, superbly prepared by the White House Chef, but she’s no doubt looking forward to something more . . . authentic.

You know, the burned waffle, soggy bacon, and over-filled orange juice glass combination that somehow, inexplicably, makes our insides glow. You can just tell that Mrs. Obama, First Lady or not, relishes those prosaic joys. Though she’s been busy with a number of issues in her first 100 plus days in office, the one impression that really sticks so far — she’s just crazy about those girls. (O.K. And the clothes.)

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Moms Need To Work/Are Stressed, Study Finds


More than three quarters of women are working because they have to — not because they want to, says a Mother’s Day survey by staffing giant Adecco. Almost half (48%) of working moms are more stressed due to the current economic climate and the majority (65%) are cutting their family budget, the survey found.

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In any economic climate, losing your “bricks and mortar” business to a fire could be devastating. However, even with a guaranteed eventual return, losing your retail bicycle sales and service business at the peak of the highest sales season, might be just as devastating. That could have been the case for Cyclesport, a full-service highly regarded bike shop, in Park Ridge, NJ, when on April 25, 2009, a late day electrical fire took them and their shop off the road.

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Five Questions for author Mike Robbins


In Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Already Taken (now on bookshelves, Wiley) author Mike Robbins explores how difficult it is for many of us to be authentic in our career paths. Women For Hire asked him Five Questions.

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