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My Day With Jack Canfield

I recently attended an all-day workshop with Jack Canfield. He was teaching the theories from his book, The Success Principles. I spent the day redefining my goals, clearing blocks that prevent me from achieving those goals and reinforcing the clarity of my vision for my life. So much went on in those eight hours that there is no way to quickly summarize the day’s event.

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Workplace tip: Change Yourself, Not Others

Francie Dalton, author, Versatility: How to Optimize Interactions When 7 Workplace Behaviors Are at Their Worst, says that the secret to successful workplace interactions lies not in trying to change others but in adjusting your behavior effectively and tailoring your communication. ($32.95, available at Here are her six tips on how to do that.

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Paying Our Dues


I was forced to think fast when my position as a national event specialist for Borders Group, Inc. in 2005 was eliminated. Did I want to work for someone else again or invest in myself? My independent spirit gave me the answer but indy spirit or not, I had to get busy. After all, I had a mortgage to pay on the new house I’d just bought.

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Sweet Freedom


It’s a funny thing: now that I don’t have to wake up at a specific hour to get to the office, I’m bouncing out of bed, pouncing on the laptop, writing articles and blogging at the crack of dawn. Embracing my newfound unemployment freedom, my days feel more packed than ever before.

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Is Work From Home a Thing of The Past?


As corporations continue to cut payrolls and watch the bottom line and productivity, some employees are giving up on work-from-home deals — afraid they’ll stand out and be the next to go in these tough times. The Washington Post reports on a “silent fright” among moms working harder than ever to make themselves indespensable.

Want to be Your Own Boss?


In The Career Coward’s Guide to Career Advancement, now on bookshelves, author Katy Piotrowski says that some people can be their own bosses, but others can’t. We asked her for Five Signs You’re Not Ready to be Your Own Boss. Here they are.

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