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Clinton’s Credibility — Solid or Shot? 


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Hillary Clinton takes the stage tonight at the Democratic National Convention, as the first woman to nab a major party nomination for president.

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Why Spelling and Grammar Matter Now and Forever

In a study of 1700 online dating sites, 43 percent of users considered bad grammar unattractive while 35 percent thought good grammar was appealing.

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Are You More Melania or Ivanka?


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There’s no love lost for Donald Trump among some women, but wife Melania and daughter Ivanka are getting plenty of kudos.

This week, it has been the Trump ladies, a powerful combination of beauty and brains, who have dominated headlines.

From Melania plagiarizing Michelle Obama in her stirring speech (a Trump speechwriter ultimately admitted blame) to Ivanka’s powerful introduction of her dad at the GOP convention, all eyes have been on the Trump women.

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Is Working From Home Right For You?


Telecommuting is here to stay: A recent Gallup poll found that 37% of workers have telecommuted, up from 9% in 1995. For many women, the opportunity to split their time between home and office is ideal.

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Working Long Hours May Be Unhealthy

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We’ve all heard variations on the expression “all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl.” But a new study says that too many hours at work may actually be unhealthy.

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What To Expect During a Job Search

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It’s safe to assume that looking for a job is not on very many fun lists. There are bound to be false starts and stops, along with an accompanying range of emotions from misery to elation. In this piece, Vicki Salemi says “the key to handling the emotions of your first job search is to ride them out.”