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Clinton’s Credibility — Solid or Shot? 

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Hillary Clinton takes the stage tonight at the Democratic National Convention, as the first woman to nab a major party nomination for president.

By every account, a historic moment in our nation’s history that deserves celebration for gender equality.

All week a star-studded list of speakers sung her praises, yet Hillary faces an uphill battle convincing skeptical voters to pick her over Donald Trump.

The credibility of both candidates has been challenged, not unlike most politicians at some point.

Once credibility is questioned, can it ever be fully restored?  If so, how?

What’s your experience with delicate credibility issues at work — either yours or that of a colleague?


  1. Janet Lavender

    The President of the United States is one of the most powerful jobs in the world. Anyonone, applying must submit theor Resume. Conventions do it in the form of having someone who knows them speak on their accomplishments. Last week we listned to Donald Trump children say what a great Dad and Business Man He is. This week we have heard a series of Professional Politicians and Husband lay out Hillary’s accomplishments as a Public Servant. For me as an employer Im looking for people with Qualifications for day one and who needs very little assistance from otgers to do the job. As for Donald Trump he cannot do that on the first day. He is hoping to rely on Mike Pence for guidance. As for Hillary this wont be the case. Yes she is part of an establishment but the establishment has made great accomplishments for the f isenfranchised people. Donal Trump has not shown any compassion for this group. Some people want to say Hillary is a Liar. I say just because she made a mistake on the JOB lime many of us has in our lifetime does not constitute her as a Liar as Donald and others want to portray her as. I think all those who agree with him need to examine themselves and if anyine can say g hey have never Lied on stretched the truth to get a job or otherwise let them speak now. I don’t believe there is one. Bottomline, the person making the allegations need to be examined. It takes one to know one. He wont even show his taxes His supporters gotta be crazy if tgey aren’t demanding that. Afterall, he’s applying for the job to be the President of the United States. We all show our taxes and for some jobs our credit report is disclosed for a job. I just think if you are seriously looking for a qualified Candidate She’s your Girl.

  2. Barbara J. Wilson

    Politics can be very dirty. I hope and pray Hillary answers any and all questions about Benghazi and
    the mistake with the Servers during the ongoing campaign. There is no comparison between Hillary
    and Trump. Trump, by temperament, character and his bombastic mouth is not fit to become Commander
    In Chief. Hillary has a long and proven track record, please give her a chance to answer all allegations.

    Credibility? Hillary has broken through that glass ceiling, Allelujah.

  3. Julie K

    One, if not the, best boss I have had lived by some very basic principles – the most meaningful being ‘Do what you say – if you can’t deliver, don’t say you can or will.’ That lesson in credibility has stayed with me for nearly 30 years and it comes up each and every day, not only professionally, but personally.

    Once you break a commitment, that trust, that willingness to believe you will do what you’ve said you will do – that cannot be pieced back together, no matter how many other things you get right.

    This week something never before done in political history was accomplished. For me personally, it was incredibly anti-climatic and a tremendous let down as it is totally overshadowed by all of the questionable actions Ms. Clinton has hanging over her. I didn’t get that feeling of excitement or pride or gratitude that I wanted to feel – simply because of HRC’s lack of professionalism in handling issue after issue that has been raised.

    Would you accept the same type of behavior from one of your managers, employees, co-workers, child or family member? I wouldn’t. I don’t. I expect more from them. I expect them to do the best they can each and every time – whether it’s folding a towel or making a multi-million dollar business decision. I expect them to be better than everyone else. I expect them to prove to themselves that doing the right thing at the right time is more important than strategy and shenanigans in a life-long game of chess.

    People make mistakes, we’re all human, but owning up to those mistakes, and truly accepting responsibility for them – not just saying the works because others expect to hear them… that’s something that matters to me. Learning from those mistakes, not repeating them, that matters to me. Being a better person for having learned, that matters to me.

    I’ve worked in a government setting, have been surrounded by others with long careers in government and it is one of the last industries not to be shaken up and looked at through new eyes. Businesses must stay lean and nimble and competitive to stay in business. They must deliver quality products and services to stay in business. They must continue to offer new ways of doing things to stay in business. They cannot get by simply by maintaining a mediocre status quo, with ‘lifer’ employees who demonstrate an unwillingness to try something different in an attempt to be better and more efficient. Why is the government any different?

    Consider your governmental interactions – the DMV,IRS, Social Security – everyone will have some interaction with at least a few of them in their lifetime. Can you tell me they are running optimally, offering stellar customer service and providing cost-effective benefits that you wouldn’t get anywhere else? I’d be surprised if you said ‘yes’.

    Is trying something different, a new way of looking at our country and how it is managed any different that how we would all manage our own businesses, careers, and lives?

    Sure, change can be scary and intimidating, but does that stop us from trying? I certainly hope not! Government must evolve to stay competitive – fear of change cannot keep us locked into a place where we’re satisfied with unanswered questions, deflection, and stonewalling to keep walls up and outsiders out.

    There is no perfect solution, but not being open to the possibilities, to considering doing things differently, to truly breaking the glass ceiling of government, not just the male/female divide…. that is exciting. That is where the challenges become fun and we see just how amazing this country can be – well beyond what anyone could imagine! There will be growing pains, there will be challenges and setbacks, but any business person worth their salt will see it through and ensure that things are better on the other side. They will be the first person in and the last person to leave. They will take responsibility and be accountable to their decisions and the teams that they have working them. They will be there through good and bad, making decisions no one else would want to have to make.

    That’s what I wish for our future – holding someone to their word and making the country truly the most admired country in the world.

  4. Mary Ch

    I agree completely with Julie and have worked in government sector for 15 years. I finally left when political appointments prevented me from being able to effectively service my clients.

    Credibility can be lost with one error in judgment, and may take several years to rebuild.

    The candidate that I am trying to research now is Jill Stein; any one have information good or bad about Jill?

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