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Hiring Manager Ignoring You?

iStock_000004673829XLarge1You’e gone through many stops in a rigorous hiring process — only to be subsequently ignored by a hiring manager after an interview.  It’s annoying and unsettling— and very common.  The New York Post has a name for it: job ghosting.  Here, six ways to come when it happens to you.


Pink Slip to Paradise?

iStock_000007966737_Small“I’ve never been let go before,” SportsCenter producer Gus Ramsey wrote in a blog post of his layoff after 21 years at ESPN. “I’m still processing it. It sucks. I know everyone goes through it, some multiple times. But it’s new to me. I’m not bitter, not yet anyway.”

As I read the news of the layoff at ESPN, it took me back more than two decades when I was a young PR staffer at NBC News in New York. I loved everything about my job – from getting to work alongside network news superstars like Maria Shriver, Jane Pauley and Tim Russert, to working at iconic 30 Rock, just a few floors away from NBC’s Saturday Night Live studio.

Then one day, without warning, a new boss came in and cleaned house. Pack your stuff and leave the building, I was told. I begged him to reconsider. I told him that if he gave me a chance, he wouldn’t regret it.

“Tory,” he said from his big leather chair. “It’s a big world out there. I suggest you go explore it.”

I went home to my tiny apartment, closed the blinds and explored nothing but pints of Haagen Daz for days. I was crushed, scared and angry. Read More

Staples Proudly Supports Women

Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 12.33.56 PMAt Staples, we have always recognized the strategic advantage in hiring, engaging and retaining female talent. We are proud to share the following ways that Staples is encouraging the development of women in the workplace:

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Deutsche Bank’s 2015 Women On Wall Street (WOWS) Conference

For the past 20 years, Deutsche Bank has been proud to make a positive impact through our annual Women on Wall Street (WOWS) conference. This year, we went one step further by introducing a fresh, new format designed to reach a more targeted audience – and create an even better experience.

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Get a better To-Do List


The To-Do list is a standard business practice, however some productivity experts recommend you scrap the traditional one all together. For 3 better ways to organize your to-do list check out The Muse, Lily Herman’s recommendations here.

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Handling an on-the-spot-job offer

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 3.41.13 PMMost job interviews are followed by a waiting game. But what to do you get offered the job on-the-spot?  First, resist the pressure to accept right away, says Richard Moy. Here are his three other tips.