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Paid Leave Benefits On Rise 

Screen Shot 2015-08-11 at 11.52.06 AMTech companies like Microsoft and Netflix are leading the pack with attractive benefits to recruit top talent, making headlines for new policies on paid parental leave.

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Mind the Gap at Work

The generation gap is widening in the workplace as millennials (ages 18 to 34) are becoming the largest demographic in the workforce.  As such, many baby boomers (ages 51 to 69 or so) are finding themselves hired and managed by much younger people.

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What Productive People Do Differently

black wooden pen on calendar agendaFor some people there are never enough hours in the day to get the job done. Often, maximizing productivity doesn’t mean working harder but smarter. Check out these 11 tips from Inc.



Time to Hang Up on Voicemail?

phoneNational Public Radio says that thanks to emails and texts, and to ramp up productivity, more and more businesses are dialing back on voicemail. Big companies like Coca-Cola and JPMorgan Chase are weeding out voicemail, finding it redundant and annoying. That is leading some experts to say that this once-essential business tool may soon join pay phone and pagers as a thing of the past. Are you ready to hang up on voice mail in your office? Read more here

Declining an Interview, Politely

Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 2.17.19 PMYou never can tell when some company may reach out to you with a job opportunity even though you’re not looking.

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Working on Vacation

Relaxing under a palm tree on remote beach

In this text/email/cellphone age, unplugging on vacation can be easier said than done. If you can’t put down your smartphone, Fast Company has some tips on how to wind down. You’ve worked hard to get this alone time, so avoid getting too personal about why you’re out of the office and resist the urge to constantly check your email. Think twice before you talk about how happy you are to not be at work in that Instagram caption. Deciding to work on vacation or not is your choice, the magazine says but keep in mind that time off is all about enjoying yourself and coming back to work refreshed.